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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 21

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 21 – “What do you mean, he nearly got hit by a car?” I ask, confused by his words.

“Yes, but you did, and now you’re hurt” He says, and I couldn’t understand his anger.

Bella looks at him appalled by his words.

“He is just a kid” She says, defending me and he glares at her.

*Exactly you could have died, that was the stupidest thing I have seen someone do, put themselves willingly in danger for someone else.” He snaps at me; Eli grabs his arm.

“It was accident Cyrus I am fine besides; he is just a kid his life is more important” I tell him shaking my head at the ridiculousness of this argument, what I was supposed to do stand there watch him d*e, a car going that speed could k**l him, me not so much beside making me feel like I had just been skinned because of this blessed skirt I chose to wear today.

“More important? How can you say that you don’t even know him?”

“I can say that because he is a child, a child’s life is always more important than that of an adults, Cyrus seriously your making out I did something wrong”

“Why is his life more important?” he demands.

“Cyrus, settle down,” Eli warns him.

“Because I have had a life, his life is just starting out. Just leave if you’re going to be a j**k about it” I tell him hopping up. My legs are burning from the gravel rash.

“I really don’t understand these people this argh” He storms off toward the office again making me and Bella look at each other, what was his problem. Eli still had a hold of my elbow and I shook him off.

“I am fine, I am just going to go home” I tell him.

“I will drive you” He says, taking my bag from Bella and grabbing my keys out. Bella looks around, nervously.

“I’m fine Bella really, go get your lunch” I tell her, nudging her. She reluctantly leaves me, and I make my way back to the office, after I remove my now broken heels.

Eli drives me home, as soon as I open the door my mother squeals rushing over.

“Oh my g*d what happened?” She shrieks before rushing to the kitchen to grab the first aid box.

“She got hit by a car” Eli answers, as I sit on the couch. My mother comes running in, dropping stuff on the ground as she digs through the bag, grabbing stuff out.

“Hit by a car?”

“Yes, I am fine mum, just a few scrapes” I tell her as she starts cleaning me up and pushing my skirt up checking the rest of my legs.

“Mum, my boss is it right there”


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