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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 30

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 30 – I walked Maya to her room in complete and utter shock at what I just saw, placing her in her bed, I tucked the blanket around her before closing her door.

Grabbing my keys, I head for my car, bracing myself for the pungent smell I thought would be inside. But when I opened it all I could smell was the air freshener tree hanging from my mirror and the smell of the cleaning products, no foul odour at all like I expected. Putting my car in reverse I pull out of the driveway heading to Sam’s hoping to get some answers, about why the h**l he bit me and why I could hardly remember anything from that night.

Pulling up at Sam’s I see his motorbike in the driveway and I know his home. Walking up the front porch of the A frame house, I knock on the green door. I hear movement inside as someone walks over to answer the door. The opening to reveal his mother in a pink dressing gown and bunny slippers on her feet, her face lighting up when she saw me standing there.

“Adeline, what a lovely surprise” She says, opening the door wider and allowing me to enter.

“Who is it Ma?” I hear Sam’s voice call out from the loungeroom out the back of the house.

“It’s your friend Adeline, dear” She calls back to him. I hear the shuffling before seeing him walk down the hall toward me. His mothers name was Mary, she was lovely and had blonde hair that was almost white and blue kind eyes as she stared at me.

“How have you been dear” She asks before Sam steps out, he nods toward the stairs.

“Another time mum I need to talk to Adeline” He says, grabbing my hand and tugging me up the stairs, the floorboards creaking as he pulls me toward his room. The moment we stepped inside his lips were on me and I found myself pushed against the wall, his lips devouring mine. As he starts trying to pull my jumper off over my head.

“Sam wait that’s not why I am here” I try to tell him while he keeps trying to undress me. He starts tugging on my pants and I grab his hands stopping him.

“Sam wait, stop” I tell him. He lets go walking off and sitting on his bed.

“Is this about your bosses?” he asks,

“Are you f*****g them” He demands.

“What? No, why would you say that”

“Could have fooled me” He said, and I scrunch up my face in confusion what the f**k was he talking about? I sat on the bed beside him, his room was cleaner than mine, not a speck of dust, the drawers clear of clutter while mine were covered cosmetics and pictures, though he did have one photo of me and him at the fair on a Ferris wheel where we took a selfie up the top. I get up picking it up and looking at it.

“You still have this?” I ask and he looks up at me giving a swift nod. He looked sad for some reason l didn’t understand, maybe his fathers d***h was getting to him more than I thought.

“What happened the other night, I have little to no recollection. I remember us meeting at the diner but that where I go blank, then I woke up at home” I tell him.

“What you think you can play dumb, and I would just fall for it, you made me look like a fool” he snaps and I am, surprised by his sudden anger. I turn to face him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, why haven’t you been answering my calls?”

“Calls you haven’t tried to ring once Adeline, and you disconnected your phone, so don’t scold me, you should have told me you were involved with someone else instead letting me find out when they catch you sneaking around with me” He says standing up his hands fisted close to his side. I had never seen him like this, he was angry and his anger kind of frightened me.

“What are you talking about Sam you’re not making any sense” I tell him.

He raises his eyebrows at me.


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