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Fates Hands novel Chapter 102

Chapter 4Book

###warning language##

Rachel woke up to her alarm clock going bonkers, her sister was pounding on her door and all she wanted to do was go back under the covers. She slammed her hand on the alarm clock

Ok, I getting up.” 

Her sister came into the room and landed on her bed

Why were you late last night? I was getting worried but then you finally pulled up and I was able to fall asleep

Rachel wasnt sure how to answer this question, she still hadnt put it into perspective herself


I had to work over. I didnt know about it till almost the end of my shift. I didnt call or text cause I figured you would be in bed already and I didnt want to wake you.” 

Anna stared at Rachel, it was a knowing look. Anna always could smell a lie. Anna shrugged though and went on to other topics. For which Rachel was grateful

After showering and getting ready for the day, Rachel was having her morning cup of coffee. Something that turned her from an autopilot robot to a functioning human

Today was Saturday so that meant that she only had her day job to go to today. She had grocery shopping to do but that was all, she had the rest of the evening and night off

She hated her day job, it was full of selfcentered snobs that you had no 


choice but to be nice to and cater to their whims. All the while keeping a happy attitude and a smile

They do tip pretty well, well some of them. There was one woman who Rachel thought believed that the world should tip her for just being in it

Jessica Winchester was the spoiled rotten snob of the snob world. She was awful to everyone and anyone she considered beneath her

That is who she has to clean for today. If Rachel got lucky Miss Jessica Winchester wouldnt be in when she has to clean. That could also be a problem as well since one of Jessicas favorite things to do is accuse the staff of stealing, so she can get them fired.

Anna was going over to the Johnsons, they were a family that lived in the next row over

Putting the last cup of coffee into her travel mug she was off to work. She decided that she would daydream about Mr. Archer, something to keep her mind from wanting to go homicidal on Miss Jessica

As soon as she got in and had all the supplies on her cart she knew it was going to be a shitty day. As she pushed her cart out of the elevator, she could hear the shrill sounds of a spoiled brat having a cow

Archer and August were gathering all the information they could find on Rachel Stevens. There wasnt much. Her name and address and the places where she worked

She had a younger sister named Anna. That was about all they could 

find. They found a bank account but that was mostly empty except for a few hundred dollars

Archer was getting restless, he didnt want to be inside looking up 

information, he wanted to go get her drag her back to this apartment and keep her there. Solis stepped in after hearing that thought

Whoa!! Caveman, I dont think that is the way you should approach our mate.” 

Archer groaned in frustration

August looked at him for a few minutes with nothing to say and then let out a sigh

You are going to be completely useless if you dont get out of here and go find her. So go and dont come back till you are satisfied she is safe, and I dont mean drag her here by her hair either.” 

Archer didnt need to be told twice, he grabbed his keys and was out the door. On his way to the Waldorf Hotel, he hoped that she was working today, it would be a lot harder to explain things if he showed up at her home

Women usually dont like strange men knowing where they live

Yeah, you are such a genius.” 

Shut up, Solis.” 

Rachel was right it was a shitty day. Not only was Jessica in a snit she was in a royal snit. Rachel didnt hear the whole conversation, but it was about some welltodo guy that stood her 

It sounded like to Rachel that Jessica 

had followed this guy here and thought that she was going to have him to herself. Instead, he ghosted her

As soon as Rachel was getting ready to knock on the door, as usual, the door flew open, and standing before Rachel was a very angry Jessica. She pointed at Rachel..


Rachel just stared at her dumbfounded, she can‘t possibly think she could accuse her of taking the necklace, she hadnt even been in the room yet

Still, she pulled her cart over to the end of the hall and waited for Nick 

the manager to come up and deal with this mess

Nick came up and Rachel could tell by the look on his face that he wasnt happy to be there. He went over to Jessicas room and tapped on the door

She answered in a fury, pointing over at Rachel and saying that she was to be fired immediately or she was never setting foot in this hotel ever again

Nick looked over at Rachel with a knowing grimace

After she was done screaming at Nick she slammed the door in his face. Nick, motioned for Rachel to follow him. She left the cart, someone would be along to take over

They walked back to his office in silence. Rachel had planned on getting another job after Anna graduated, still, she needed the 

income right now, and being fired wasnt going to help with getting a new job

They sat down and he cleared his throat

You are one of my best employees, I know there was no way that you could have stolen her necklace.” 

I watched you get into the elevator and knowing the schedule of how things are done, I know that you were just getting to her door when she had another one of her tantrums.” 

However her father owns this hotel, I have no choice but to let you go. I will not fire you though, I will simply state that you gave your two weeks notice and that today was the last 


I will make sure you are paid for the rest of today and your one-week 

vacation. I am sorry for this.” 

I have tried in the past to just reassign my workers but she caught on to that and made it hell for them. I dont want anyone else to have to deal with that.” 

With that, Rachel walked out of the hotel in a daze. Well, she thought isnt this an interesting development. I have been wanting a whole day off and now I have one thanks to that 


Still, I am going to have to find a new job soon. Bills dont pay themselves. She sat alone in her car still in the hotel parking lot, she reached into her glove box and pulled out a snack size milky way

It was her secret stash she used for really bad days. She looked in there and found only one more left, well she thought that was telling


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