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Fates Hands novel Chapter 103

Chapter 5Book

##Warning sexual content##

Rachel went to her usual grocery store, she was in the middle of picking up things on her list when she noticed that there was someone following her around. At first, she just thought it was another customer except this person wasn‘t doing any shopping 

She decided to move to the produce section it was more open, if he wanted to follow he was going to have to out in the open

As soon as she made it over to the apples she saw who it was, Mr. Archer was standing there in all his yummy glory

She dropped all pretense and went over to him, he had a sheepish look on his face. She laughed to herself


caught you redhanded, didnt I

She stood before him as he scratched the back of his head, no doubt trying to think up an excuse as to why he was here

Can I help you with something, Mr. Archer?” 

Cat got your tongue?(

When Solis heard her last question he started laughing and rolling around. It was distracting, to say the least. On top of that, he couldnt think of one single good reason to give her that wasnt the truth

She was cute, the way she was standing there looking at him, trying to give him a stern motherly look. Looking into her eyes though made him stupid. He couldn‘t think straight

She stared at him, she had an odd look in her eyes, part amusement and could it be arousal

Finally with a push from Solis he was able to open his mouth

I am here to keep an eye on you, did you forget what happened last 


You dont honestly think that it will be able to find me? I dont live near campus or right in town either.” 

Yes, Miss Rachel, I know where you live. It is a nice little place but I dont think a trailer is going to hold up for long against that thing last night.” 

As soon as he opened his mouth he knew he made a mistake. The look in her eyes went from curious amusement to distrust and revulsion

Well, I don‘t think I would like you hanging around anymore, I can take 

care of myself. If I see you lurking anymore I am going to call the cops. So please, just go

With that, she turned around and headed for the cashier lanes

He grabbed her arm and ushered her down an aisle. She wasnt happy she had a scream on her lips, just as Archer covered her mouth with his hand

Be quiet and I will explain. We just cant do it here, there are too many people who might overhear our conversation.” 

It was then that she bit his hand again. He swore as she started to getaway. He reached out and held her to him

Please dont, I promise I am not insane.” 

She went still in his arms, she felt so right being there that he didnt want to let go

Fine, there is a small coffee shop across the street. If that isnt private enough it is too bad, I am not going to be alone with you.” 

He smiled to himself, alone with me yet. He didnt say that part out loud though. He went with her to the cashier and waited while she bought the groceries. He helped her carry them to her car

Rachel stood outside the coffee shop, she was debating whether she should go inside, if he was a nut she didn‘t want to encourage him

They sat down and ordered coffee and stared at each other

Well, Mr. Archer are you going to start explaining

I am going to explain I just need a little bit to put my thoughts together, I know you are not going to like what you are about to hear. Some of it will make you question my sanity even more.” 

She smiled at him, he wasnt sure 

how to take it

Dont worry Mr. Archer you dont have far to go to make me believe that your nuts.” 

He smiled back, it was a predatory smile, and the smile widened when she leaned away from him

Trust me my little catnip, I can back up what I say.” 

When their coffees arrived Archer began in detail to tell her everything he knew about last night. How much he thought that she was in danger, how he would like to move her to a safe house. He told her about Solis 

. and how they change. He told her everything 

Now she was sitting across from him in total silence, he didn‘t know if that was good or bad. He hoped that she would believe in some of it anyway. They were running out of time

Well, Mr. Archer that was a very interesting story but I am afraid it is just a little too farfetched for me to believe. Do you have any proof you can offer?” 

He smiled at that

Oh, yes I can prove to you at least about me being a shifter. I can‘t do it here though it has to be someplace a little more private.” 

Alright, I dont know why I am going to do this but I will take you back to my place and you can show me there. Just so you know though, no funny 

business. I have a baseball bat where I can get it and neighbors that can hear everything

All Rachel could think of on the drive home was how hot Mr.Archer was and hoping that her sister didnt come home early. Once she was done putting away the groceries she turned to Archer

Well, are you going to show me or do I have to start swinging my bat?” 

Her eyes widened after he smiled and started to take off his clothes

Whoa, wait a minute there, what are you doing?” 

I have to take off my clothes to shift catnip, if you are shy I suggest you turn away till I am done.

He didnt have to take his clothes off to shift, that was something he decided to use from his time with 

Duncan. He knew that she was attracted to him, so why not bait the hook a little more

I am not turning my back to you, I only trust you as far as I can throw you.” 

He shrugged and pulled his shirt off, he could see her eyes starting to dart in different directions as her face started to turn a nice shade of pink. He then unzipped his jeans and started to tug them down

He heard her let out a hiss and she started to turn even pinker. Once he was naked he spared her from any more embarrassment and shifted into his enormous Lion Solis

Solis not wanting to scare her, laid down on the floor and started to purr

Rachel just stood there in shock and disbelief. Her mind couldnt form

single sentence, it was all...What? How? No way! How?... 

Then she looked the Lion in the eyes and she gasped, they had the same eyes

She had a lion rolling around on her living room floor purring, she couldnt help it, she should be out of her mind scared right now. The only reaction she felt was to giggle at the silliness

Her legs gave out and she sat down on the floor right where she was. The Lion looked at her as he was on his back. His tongue was hanging out causing him to look even sillier than before. She started laughing again, only this time she couldn‘t stop, before long she couldn’t breathe

The next thing she knew she was being picked up into some very warm arms. Just as she felt like she was 

going to pass out

Shhhhh... Its alright, you are safe. Its ok I am here now. Shhhh...” 

That voice was a beacon pulling her away from the blackness. She snuggled in closer to the warmth. Not caring that he was still naked


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