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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77


The red light turns green.

I’m about to start the car again, but my body suddenly stiffens. my wolf rumbles menacingly sensing another wolf—a very very powerful wolf—in the vicinity.

“Who is that—“

The figure of the man who was called the most powerful Alpha in a century appears in my mind.

And this man. On the street corner with Grace.

This man's figure looks very much Alpha Reed!

However, that’s impossible. How could Jason possibly be by Grace's side? What a joke!

The driver in the car behind me honks his horn and I hit the gas quickly. But at this moment, the man standing beside Grace looks in my direction. His face contorting aggressively.

My whole body, even my wolf freezes.


Is it really him? Even if his current outfit and hairstyle are different from my impression of him, that face looks so similar to Jason Reed’s!

And the power…

It permeates the distance like a warning for any wolf to see.

My body stiffens as I drive through the light.

I debate pulling over or turning around. Every cell in his body wants me to whip a U-turn and go back for a second look. Because this can’t be happening. I must be hallucinating.

The similarities, I can write off. But that signature Alpha presence? That’s not something physical, it’s metaphysical.

I rub my eyes, then my chest.

Doubting all my senses.

If this is Alpha Reed. With Grace.

I stagger as the possibilities take shape.

All of them…will be disastrous for me.

Grace laughs up at me.

We ran a good half mile and she’s been laughing and daring me to catch her. For a small female and a human, she’s quick.

My wolf relished in the game.

Everything was going fine until we rounded the corner and I sensed the presence of another wolf.

I grabbed Grace reflexively.

She’d thought it all part of the game until she’d seen my expression. “What’s wrong?” she asks worriedly.


She tries to position herself in front of me which is just comical. I’m practically twice her size and she pales in strength.

And a human against a wolf… it’s no contest.

I physically lift her up entirely and place her behind me.

“What is it?”

The Maybach rolled by and I watch the street, waiting to see if it will circle back. I don’t think Sean is dumb enough to test his luck with me. But I’ve been wrong about people before.

“Please,” she whispers. “You’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing,” I say.


"It's nothing. It's just that... I seemed to have seen a familiar face just now.”

”Was he your friend?"

Furthermore…vehicular manslaughter.


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