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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78


I frown. I’m at work.

Sean has shown up and cornered me.

My coworkers are watching.

“I have to know for sure, Grace,” he says.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

He grits his teeth.

"Are you... with any man right now?" Sean asks politely. Well, his tone is polite, but his question is quite pointed.

And his eyes are sharpening the way they do when he’s very angry.

I’m stunned.

One, that Sean would even come back here. And two, that he would care at all what was happening in my personal life.

"That doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, Mr. Stevens," I say. "I'm working right now, please get out of the way."

I continue to clean the road as if he’s invisible.

He snarls. “Who do you think you are, to ignore me!?” He grabs my arm. "I'm not playing games, Grace. Who was the man with you yesterday?"

I stare at his hand on me. “Let. Me. Go.”

“Answer me!”

Is Sean asking about... Jay? Regardless of why or how he’d seen me, I don’t owe this man an answer. I don’t owe him anything.

"Mr. Stevens—“

Alpha Stevens,” he corrects me.

“Not my alpha. Not anymore. Why are you meddling with other people's business? Do I have to report to you whenever I am with my little brother?"

"Little brother? Since when do you have a little brother?" Sean asks. He only knew that I have a younger sister.

I don’t intend to reveal too much. But I know Sean. He’s like a lion with its prey. He wouldn’t relent.

"I took him in as my younger brother, can't I do that?" I ask. “Because that’s what a good person does, Sean. They look to help others—not kick them when they’re down.”

He jerks me so hard my teeth snap together as my head whips back.

“Stop lying to me and answer the question! Who are you seeing?”

“Mr. Stevens!” It’s Claire. She rushes over. “Sir. Please calm down. Don't use violence.”

Sean seems to recall himself. He lets go of my arm and glances around.

“Yes, that’s right, Mr. Stevens,” I say. “You should listen to my coworker’s advice. You know how easily gossip can spread. What if someone takes a photo of you. I can’t imagine Lily or her pac—family—would want to see you with me.”

He snarls and takes another step back.

He nods at Claire then spins on his heel and stalks off.

Claire glances at me worriedly and says, "Why did that person come to find you?"

I keep my expression bland. ”Who knows?”

But internally, my thoughts are racing.

There’s a rumble.

I hear it.

Feel it beneath my skin.

Ava!? Ava, please answer me.


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