Estelle, her face obscured by a mask that revealed only her steely, determined eyes, felt a slight tremble in her arms from the recoil of her submachine gun. She moved with deliberate calm, the spent cartridges clinking coldly on the floor as they fell.
The lab was filled with a cacophony of screams, wails, and the relentless chatter of gunfire. Blood sprayed wildly, severed limbs struck the glass walls, and the carpet was soaked crimson as the pungent stench of gore permeated the air.
Bodies fell by the dozens, and yet more assailants swarmed in.
Estelle and Winston worked together seamlessly, advancing and retreating in unison. As Estelle grappled with the guards, she glanced over to where Winston was laying down covering fire while retreating.
Suddenly, Winston's gunfire intensified. Estelle took her cue, letting him cover her as she darted behind the bulk of the lab equipment and sprinted towards a sealed door.
After a burst of gunfire from her weapon, Estelle breached the door to find a horde of bloodsoaked victims inside. The sight drained the warmth from her veins.
"Here!" Winston, from across the room, tossed the last vial of the virus to her.
Estelle mowed down an oncoming guard with her submachine gun, leapt to catch the vial, and then pivoted swiftly towards the lab chamber. She spared one last look at the victims, whose eyes alone could still move, before slapping a black detonator pack onto the chamber door.
As she spun away, she tossed the vial of the virus into the chamber.
With a thunderous "BOOM!", the building seemed to split apart. Estelle dashed out as flames engulfed the chamber behind her.
Screams tore through the air, a hellish symphony amidst the inferno.
Estelle kept firing as she ran towards Winston. They met with a nod and sprinted towards the panoramic windows.
Behind them, a horde of guards pressed in.
Outside, the roar of an approaching helicopter filled the air.
In perfect sync, Estelle and Winston leapt through the windows. A colossal crash shattered the glass, and with gunfire at their heels, they soared into the void, a barrage of bullets chasing their flight.
The readers' comments on the novel: Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan)
Hey admin, why are there no updates on this novel? There has been no updates on this novel. I see so many of us have been waiting for more chapters …...
please please complete the novel!!! we are waiting desperately!!!!...
Updates please!...
Please please finish this Novel - amazing work!!! Please please update!!!...
Waiting for the updates, dear Admin...
When will you resume the updates please...
I miss reading the ongoing saga of Sophia and Jason…did she mention this to Estelle. Will Jonathan help Gabriel finish the assignment…does he want to return and possibly marry Sylvia? Please give us updates we’re missing our updates. Thank you....
I’m hoping all is well with you and your family. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from you. Please inform us why we’re not getting any updates....
When will you resume updates?...
Hope you and your family had wonderful holidays. We are so looking forward to you giving updates....