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Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan) novel Chapter 2024

Josiah and Estelle plummeted from the sky, crashing into the depths of a dense forest.

Thankfully, they were tethered together by a rope!

The rope snagged on the treetops, and as they fell, the force and gravity caused the rope to slice through layers of branches, eventually suspending them from the sturdy trunk of a massive oak tree.

Dangling like two kids on a swing, they swung dozens of feet above the ground. After what felt like an eternity, their senses slowly returned.

Estelle shook her head to clear it, gripped the rope, and with a mighty swing, latched onto the tree trunk. Meanwhile, Josiah used the momentum to securely straddle a thick branch.

They exchanged a look, a shared moment of having cheated death, then untangled themselves from the rope and slid down the tree.

Thud, thud—they hit the ground, one after the other.

Ignoring his aches, Josiah sprang to his feet and rushed over to Estelle. "Estelle, you okay?"

Estelle sat up, her mind now alert though her head throbbed as if it might explode. She took shallow breaths, calming herself, and croaked, "I'm fine!"

Remembering the terrifying fall, Josiah was still shaken. "Estelle, I almost had a heart attack just now. Why on earth did you jump from that building?"

Estelle frowned, having no memory of her actions. "It's like I was mind-controlled!"

"By who?" Josiah asked.


"The Raiden who rules over Zion?"

Estelle nodded. "He never left Zion. The one who left was Winston, impersonating Raiden. I was duped!"


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