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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267 

After the students had wiped their eyes and packed up, they all headed home. Kaylee and Flora walked side by side, the weight of the day still heavy on their shoulders

Flora glanced over at Kaylee, noting the dark circles under her eyes and the pallor of her skin. She figured Kaylee was just stressed about the upcoming exams. Don’t worry too much,Flora said, trying to be reassuring. If you just do your best, you’ll be fine.” 

Yeah,Kaylee replied, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes

The truth was, her stress wasn’t just about the exams. It was about her future. She had told her mom she wanted to study fashion design, but her mom was dead set on her pursuing finance. This had led to several heated arguments between them

On the third floor of their high school, across from Class E, the class president caught up to Carina. Hey, you forgot your pencil case, he said, handing it to her

Carina had been lingering in the hallway, lost in thought. Thanks,” she mumbled, taking the pencil case

What were you looking at?he asked, curious

Nothing much,she replied, shaking her head

Well, good luck on your exams. I hope you have a bright future,” he said with a smile

You too,Carina said, but her eyes were elsewhere. She watched Flora and Kaylee walking together below and clenched her pencil case tightly. With Flora around, it seemed like her own future would always be in the shadows

Determined, Carina hurried downstairs, trailing behind Kaylee and Flora

At the school gate, Faith’s car was waiting. After saying goodbye to Flora, Kaylee got into the car

Good luck on your exams, Flora,Faith said, rolling down the window

Thank you, Mrs. Faith,” Flora replied with a smile

Faith drove off, and Flora waited a moment longer until she saw Henrik’s car. She jogged over, opened the passenger door, and hopped in, tossing her pencil case and admission ticket onto the back seat

From her spot under a large tree, Carina watched Henrik’s car pull away. She took out her phone and made a call. They’ve left the school. The license plate is” 

Inside Henrik’s car, the atmosphere was relaxed

Dad wants to know what you’d like for dinner,Henrik said

Lobster Thermidor!Flora exclaimed without missing a beat


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