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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 268

Chapter 268 

The car slammed into the stone bridge, its hood shattering into pieces, the windshield cracking open, and shards of glass embedding themselves into Henrik’s back

Henrik!Flora’s voice trembled uncontrollably, a strong scent of blood invading her nostrils

FloraIm okayHenrik managed a weak smile, trying to reassure Flora

Around them, the screams of onlookers filled the air. Henrik’s voice was barely a whisper, more breath than sound

The car was precariously perched on the bridge, nearly plunging into the raging river below

Firefighters arrived quickly, using tools to pull the car back onto solid ground

The car door was jammed, so the firefighters had to blast it off

Flora helped Henrik out of the car, and once they were out of the cramped vehicle, Henrik’s injuries became painfully visible

Flora’s eyes widened in horror at his bloodsoaked back

From a distance, Carina watched Flora, safe and sound, her eyes filled with rage

She had risked everything, yet Flora remained unharmed, not a scratch on her


Connor and Raul rushed into the hospital room

Flora, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere?They asked anxiously as soon as they entered. Upon learning of Flora’s accident, they had hurried over

Henrik protected me, so I wasn’t hurt,Flora said. But he’s badly injured.” 

It’s just superficial wounds,Henrik, lying in the hospital bed, said helplessly

His injuries appeared severe, but fortunately, they were mostly superficial, none of the glass shards had penetrated deep enough to reach the bone. With some medication and a few days of rest, he would recover

It hadn’t been long since Henrik’s last surgery, and now he was injured again. Raul, worried, quickly went to consult the doctor. Only when the doctor assured them that there was nothing serious did Raul’s heavy heart finally lighten

Flora’s phone wouldn’t stop buzzing. She stepped into the corridor, pulling out her phone, messages from Crimson and the others flooding in

Crimson: [Babe, how are you? Is it serious? I’m firing up the chopper and heading back to Cedarvale now!

Rafael: [Flora, how did you end up in an accident out of the blue! If you’re not replying, it must be serious! I’m on my way!

Jules: [Flora, I’m coming. Just wait for me.

Besides them, other executives from Club 257, hearing about Flora’s accident, were beside themselves with worry. One by one, they were ready to board their private jets to Cedarvale

If they came, Cedarvale would truly be in for a storm


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