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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Flora arrived at Class 2 on time. As she entered, the previously noisy Class 2 fell silent

Everyone watched her with different feelings. It’s not like the mockery before, but with something else added

The person they considered a useless fool had become the top student of the grade. They still felt it was like a dream

Jennifer’s eyes were filled with jealousy as she watched Flor 

Flora just calmly walked to her seat and sat down

The first class was Spanish, and Jade walked in with an expressionless face, she glanced at Flora sitting at the back, and then looked 


Let’s discuss the exam from last time. Everyone take out your papers.” 

The multiple choice questions are gimmes, so we’ll skip this part 

We won’t go over the reading section. If you don’t understand, look up the meanings yourself.” 

I won’t explain the translation quizzes as well. Find the meanings online yourself.” 

The students quickly flipped through their papers, their faces turning sour 

Even Jennifer couldn’t help but sweat

This exam was difficult, with many grammar points they hadn’t understood, and Jade was calling them basic questions, skipping all of 


Someone come up and write the Spanish to English translation on the board” 

After saying that, Jade picked several students to come up

The few students managed to write only the basic words, forming sentences, but with chaotic grammar

Jede immediately burst out, What have you been doing! I’ve taught all of these. Look at this mess you’ve written. After class, copy it a hundred times and now, get out” 

Several students were scolded to tears, shamefully standing outside with red eyes

For the rest of the class, Jade kept belittling the people of Class Z, seizing every opportunity to chew them out

Tm teaching! What are you doing? You can’t do it and you’re not even paying attention.” A girl was eamestly taking notes, but her pen ran out of ink. As she was refilling it, Jade scolded her, You are all bottomrung students. What do you think you can leap to be the top of the grade like some people? You don’t have the talent, so you better listen to the lecture properly” 

Flora irritably pressed the pen cap, exuding a bit of hostility/Flora was sure, after Jade had been made a fool, she was taking it out on Class

After classes in the aftemoon, Flora was heading back to the Irving family home but was stopped by a group at the alley entrance

They werd a bunch of thugs, and she recognized the person at the edge

It’s Brian, the guy she had beaten up in the cafeteria

Hans, that’s her!Brian glared at Flora, teeth clenched. He had been mortified in front of so many people because of her last time. This time, he wanted her to pay

Flora realized what was happening. They were here for revenge

The man named Hans had bleached blond hair, bulky, with his bare arms tattooed with garish, unsettling tattoos

His gloomy gaze landed on Flora’s face and then on her body, his openly lecherous look nauseating

Sweetle, you the one who beat up my buddy?” 

Yeah.Flors cocked an eyebrow, That was me.Her tone was defiant 

Looks like a good girl, but turns out to be a wild one,Hans leered at Flora, I won’t be hard on cute girls. Considering you’re a pretty one, rll give you a chance. Apologize to my buddy, then come hang out with me for a bit, and we’ll let this slide.” 


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