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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Look, I’m giving you a chance here. Don’t make me regret it.Hans gaze was icy as he slightly narrowed his a The girl in front of him had such pleasing features that he found himself a bit more patient than usual

Flora was annoyed. She shifted her neck slightly

Just then, a group suddenly rushed over 


Hans, what brings you here! Long time no see, let me buy you a drink.Leading the group, Dane walked up to Hans and stopped in front of him, smiling

Hans was a regular at Dane’s family’s diner, so they had a somewhat closer relationship

The others positioned themselves in front of Flora, all wearing apologetic smiles

Hans glanced at him, This has nothing to do with you Move aside” 

Hans, she’s a friend of ours. If she’s caused any trouble, we’ll apologize on her behalf. Please, let’s not make this difficult for herDane spoke with a hopeful grin

Hansface turned colder, his patience wearing thin. Did I not make myself clear

7 Move” 

Hans, come on, do me a solid.” 

His attempt at friendliness was met with disdain from Hans, Where do you get the nerve, thinking you have any say here? Beat it if you don’t want trouble.” 

Dane’s expression darkened. The situation grew serious

They were just students, far from being able to handle real troublemakers. Their words fell on deaf ears around Hans

The mood among Dane’s group turned sour. They knew leaving Flora behind was not an option. Her fate would be sealed without their 


Dane signaled Alex with a glance. Positioned in front of Flora, Alex whispered, “We’ll hold them off. You take the chance to run and call the police, got it?” 

Flora raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised by their solidarity. They knew they were in for a beating, yet they stepped in to save her

Hans watched them as if they were a joke, Ha! Look at these kids, thinking they can play the hero.” 

Their laughter filled the air, Let’s see if you’ll move or we’ll have to make you” 

Hanspunch landed on Dane’s stomach, the ring with its sharp edges forcing a pained grunt from him

Alex and the others cursed under their breath and rushed to help

This left Flora momentarily overlooked. She subtly moved her hand in her pocket

Seeing Dane and the others getting hit, she sighed. So much for trying to help 

Dane didn’t dare provoke Hans further. They were just students, and Hans and his gang were the real deal. They were outmatched. They didn’t fight back much, instead focusing on protecting themselves

When they noticed Florawas still standing there, they got anxious. Why wasn’t she running

Hans leaped, aiming a kick at Dane’s face

Dane’s expression changed as he stumbled back, bracing for impact and closing his eyes in resignation

However, the expected pain never came, replaced instead by a scream that seemed to belong to Hans

Opening his eyes, Dane saw Hans on the ground, clutching his side in agony 

He stared incredulously at Flora, who had just withdrawn her leg

Just as a thug was about to land a punch on Alex, Flora leaped forward, kicking the thug in the back. The thug screamed, falling facefirst to the ground

In less than a minute, the thugs were all on the ground

Flores strength was ternfying. The air seemed to tear with her kicks. Those hit by her lay on the ground in pain, unable to stand 

The sound of bones breaking could be heard 

Who are 

are you calling little girl? Still want my company?Flora, standing over Hans with a sneec seemed nonchalant 

Hans was on the verge of spitting blood. His shoulder felt like it was shattered

This woman was as strong as an ox



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