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Freaky Shit novel Chapter 6

When Declan invited me to her brothers graduation dinner I already knew i had no choice. Her mouth may have formed a question but her face was giving an order. How could I say no to my stubborn little kitten.

"It'll just be some of our friends and maybe some family." she assured me.

"I already said yes, love." I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I'm trying to cook here."

"Oh boy ladies and gentlemen that eye roll was a 5.6 on the richter scale." I teased.

"Ayden." Dec dragged out my name.

"You know that's not my name kitten." I growled, my entire front pushed up against her back. She turned around and gave me a stern look. From the outside i'm sure we looked like siblings, always fighting for dominance. But I knew that wasn't what Dec wanted. She just likes being a brat, although maybe it was more about turning me on than the actual brat part.

"It'll have to be for tonight." And with that she turned back around and pulled the pot off of the burner. I took this los and was slinking back to my seat at the kitchen island, deciding what i'd give my kitten for punishment tonight, when she turned back around.

"But maybe for now..." she trailed off smiling innocently at me.

"Kitten." I was instantly lifting my babygirl up and feeling every inch of her neck with my lips. With each of her soft moans I felt my patience slipping away. I carried her to the couch and laid her on her back. I moved down to pull off her shorts and pushed up her shirt with my other hand. She pulled it the rest of the way off wriggling as i started to leave hickies on her thighs.

"Baby girl," I growled as i left another deep pink mark on her inner thigh.

"Daddy," she breathed in reply.

"Kitten," a mark on her other thigh.

Chapter 6: Daddy's Girl (bxg) 1


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