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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 

The Santos Group was finished, because thirteen bosses gathered together to withdraw their capital

As the news spread, all the people in Newden were talking about this matter

Everyone felt sorry for the Santos Group

It could become the top enterprise in Newden, but it was going to go bankrupt because it offended the Rodgers family

Kylo Loftus. the son of the Loftus family, looked at the news on the Internet with a sneer

Leenard, aren’t you very arrogant? Now you have offended someone you can’t afford to offend. You have tasted the feeling of despair, right?” 

In the Barton Villa, Willie was sitting on the sofa smoking

This time he invested in the Santos Group and lost nearly 400 thousand dollars. He was very angry

I thought Leonard was going to be successful, but I didn’t expect that he would trick his family members. I have lost 400 thousand dollars,Willie said angrily

Flora was unhappy

You listened to Kenia’s advice to buy the Santos Group’s stocks. What does it have to do with Leonard? He didn’t ask you to buy it

Why didn’t you wait a few days? Leonard said that the Santos Group’s stocks will rise.” 

Shit! I don’t think Leonard has good intentions! If I hadn’t listened to Kenia and sold the stocks in time, I wouldn’t even have half of the one million dollars left. You see, the Santos Group’s stocks have fallen a lot” 

In an apartment, many young men and women gathered

Emily, have you heard that? The Santos Group is about to go bankrupt. I heard that people who bought its stocks are furious now.” 

Leonard just became the leader of the top enterprise in Newden yesterday, but he is nobody today.” 

There was a sound of gloating around

Emily’s eyes were filled with joy

Yesterday, when she learned the news that Leonard had become the boss of a company worth 120 billion dollars, she felt very depressed. She regretted why she had abandoned Leonard back then and missed the opportunity to become wealthy

But unexpectedly, when she woke up this morning, she got such news, which made her feel happy

Leonard, you are a loser after all. For someone like you, it’s your great honor to have me as your girlfriend back then

Now that you are going bankrupt, I’d like to see who is still willing to stay with you.” 

At this time, a statement was posted and spread quickly on the Internet

[I am Marianna Rodgers, the daughter of the Rodgers family. I deeply apologize for the Rodgers family’s ban on the Santos Group.

[Leonard is a good and righteous man, and he shouldn’t be treated like this.

[I condemn the Rodgers family here, and I will always stand by Leonard’s side

When this statement was posted, it was immediately reposted by countless netizens

[No wonder Leonard was banned by the Rodgers family. It turned out that he hooked up with Ms. Rodgers.

[Since Ms. Rodgers stood out to support Leonard in person, it seems that the Rodgers family has done something evil.

As Emily read the news on the Internet, she showed unwillingness, resentment, and jealousy in her eyes

How could this bastard Leonard hook up with Marianna? Marianna even goes against her family to speak out for him. I’m so angry

Is Marianna blind? Leonard is just a piece of trash that I don’t want.” 

Emily was so angry that her whole body was shaking, and she even didn’t realize that her nails were digging into her flesh

At the same time, in a private hospital, Melanie threw the bouquet on the table to the ground

Marianna, you are a traitor. How could you openly support Leonard? You really pissed me off” 

Melanie was so angry that she gritted her teeth

Jason said, Marianna is innocent and deceived by Leonard. But even though she makes a statement, it will be of no use. The 



Chapter 142 

Santos Group will go bankrupt anyway” 

After hearing Jason’s words, Melanie’s anger subsided a little

Yes, what can Marianna’s statement change? Leonard will definitely be over this time.” 

At this moment, another statement went viral on the Internet

[The Moreno family officially issued a statement here to unconditionally support the Santos Group, and we will always stand with the Santos Group

The Moreno family was considered a big family in Newden. Although its statement has no practical effect, it was tantamount to a slap in the face of the Rodgers family

Didn’t the Rodgers family say that any company that cooperated with the Santos Group was their enemy

The Moreno family wasn’t afraid of that but chose to speak out now

For the Rodgers family, this was a powerful counterattack

How dare the Moreno family disobey our family? They are looking for death!” 

Melanie’s face turned ugly

However, the next moment, there were another two hashtags on the Internet

[Samuel Wolff, the head of the Wolff family, issued a statement that he will stand unswervingly on the side of the Santos Group and work together to overcome the difficulties.

[Parker Evans, the Governor of Newden, said in an interview that the Santos Group is a top enterprise in Newden, and it couldn’t collapse. Mr. Evans is willing to work with the Santos Group to face any difficulties.] 


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