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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 

Everyone, here is a report issued by the Blueville’s Barrett Institute. Please take a look.” 

Leonard took out a few pieces of paper from the folder next to him and asked Gracia to pa** them on

Soon, everyone got Leonard’s report

At first, everyone was a little confused and did not know what Leonard was showing them

But when they saw the words Awakening the vitality of senescent cellsand Expected to extend the human lifespan by ten 

to thirty yearswritten on it, everyone’s eyes suddenly widened, and their breathing became rapid

Mr. Santos, is this true? If true, being able to extend life span by ten to thirty years would be a miracle.” 

Even Waylon could not believe it

Yes, how can this ointment be so magical? Mr. Santos, you’re not conned, are you?” 

Everyone shook their heads in disapproval

They were indeed excited just now, but after calming down, they knew that this was completely impossible

I believe it.” 

At this moment, Ethan spoke

I know the Barrett Institute. The director, Barrett Bailey, is known as the Whiterobed Medicine King. He is the top miracle doctor in Griffinland

Many of the products he developed were cla**ified as confidential by Griffinland. I only learned about his deeds by chance

Since it’s a report issued by the Barrett Institute, it cannot be fake.” 

After Ethan finished speaking, everyone’s eyes became filled with pa**ion

Gracia’s magnificent chest was heaving, too

She finally knew where Leonard’s confidence came from

Once this product came out, the world would go crazy

After all, everyone wanted to live longer

Even if those young people did not care, what about the old people in their fifties to eighties

Among all the wealthy families, which family did not have such elderly

Plus, these people were the real leaders of their families

It was not difficult to imagine what this product meant to them once it was launched

Furthermore, for women, awakening the vitality of cells meant the aging of their faces would be delayed too

It seems that I will not only become the president of a 120 billion dollar company but also the president of the biggest company in Griffinland.” 

Gracia thought fervently in her heart

Moreover, as the president of the company, she had priority to experience such a product

Ethan and the otherseyes also became pa**ionate

They were not young anymore, and this kind of product was simply priceless to them

The room was quiet for about eight minutes before a burst of noise broke out

Leonard looked at the excited people and said with a smile, The product is still under research. I have decided that all the 150 billion dollars you have invested in Santos Group will be used for the research and development of this ointment. Do any of you have objections?” 

Of course not.” 

Waylon was the first to speak

Yes, we all listen to you, Mr. Santos.” 

A wealthy man also looked excited and said

At this moment, Ethan suddenly stood up, hesitated, and said, Mr. Santos, do you think you can allow me to invest another 10 billion in Santos Group?” 

Upon hearing Ethan’s words, the eyes of everyone present lit up



Chapter 143 

Yes, Mr. Santos, I also want to invest another four billion dollars,Waylon said

Reg also said excitedly, Mr. Santos, please give us this opportunity. I will also invest another four billion dollars.” 

Mr. Dewey, I remember that you almost emptied your cash last time you invested 10 billion dollars. Where did you get the money to invest again?” 

Leonard remembered that Cherry did not even have the money to bid for the Saffron that she wanted so badly

Reg immediately said loudly, It’s just four billion dollars. I’ll get it for sure.” 

Don’t worry, Mr. Santos. A product like this is 100% profitable, so of course, I’m going to invest my every last penny in it.” 

Seeing everyone’s eager eyes, Leonard nodded

Since you are all so enthusiastic, I can let you invest again

But the shares cannot be the same as before. This time, 10 billion dollars will only get you 1% of the shares. What do you think?” 

Leonard was doing the right thing. When he had not discovered the black ointment in the past, giving them 5% of the shares of Santos Group for their 10 billion dollar investment was normal

However, now that he had the black ointment, it would not be costeffective to still give them so many shares

In business, everything should be transparent

No problem.” 

Ethan agreed immediately

Others also nodded

Okay, that’s the end of the meeting. By the way, who of you has time at five o’clock in the afternoon? Accompany me to do something,Leonard suddenly said

I have time,” Ethan spoke first

Me too.” 

Mr. Santos, please take me with you too.” 

Of course, all these people had a ton of things to do every day. However, no matter how busy they were, establishing a good relationship with Leonard was their top priority right now. After all, Leonard would be making them so much money

Leonard originally only wanted to recruit one or two people to support the scene, but to his surprise, all these thirteen wealthy men were free

He nodded immediately and said, Okay, then it’s settled.” 

At fourthirty in the afternoon, everyone will gather at the Santos Group. We will be at school on time at five o’clock” 

In the morning, at 10:40, thirteen investors walked out of the Santos Group

Gracia immediately convened a meeting with the Santos Group employees to boost their morale and asked the public relations team to publicize the additional investment by Ethan and others

In an instant, the entire Santos Group was in a frenzy

Not only did the feared bankruptcy not come, but they got an additional 40 billion dollar investment

This meant that the Santos Group’s market value had reached 174 billion dollars

There was a burst of cheers from all over the Santos Group


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