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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

Yasmin’s heart lurched. How did you find out, Anna?” 

She called me earlier today to tell me.Annalise’s joy was clear for all to see

Yasmin finally knew why she was so happy. So Annalise knew about Giselle’s pregnancy now

Yasmin nodded, her emotions not fluctuating much. Okay.” 

She couldn’t rebut anything. Giselle really was pregnant

Is it Blake’s child?Annalise asked

Why don’t you ask Giselle, Anna?Yasmin wasn’t sure. Giselle said it was Blake’s baby, but Blake never confirmed it

It’s probably Blake’s,Annalise said. Giselle said so to me earlier today.” 

One could tell Annalise really wanted Blake to have a baby based on her sentence alone

Yasmin looked out the window glumly

She knew she shouldn’t be bothered about this. The entire Ford family had their prejudices against her ever since Stuart messed with Blake two years ago, especially Annalise, who had to raise Blake alone after her husband passed away

Blake became head of the family business after years of effort, yet he ended up marrying a woman from a bankrupt family who couldn’t even get pregnant

This was something Yasmin was helpless to change

She had asked Joel why before, and he said it was because her body needed really good care before she’d be able to get pregnant. But with Blake’s frequent outstation work, Yasmin was never able to get pregnant, even after two years

Yasmin,Annalise said suddenly

Yasmin turned to face her, knowing she wouldn’t call her name without reason. Yes, Anna?” 

I’ll be honest. You are a sweet young woman, but” 

The moment Annalise said “but, Yasmin knew what Annalise was going to say next wouldn’t be anything light.” 

Annalise continued, You can’t bear children.” 

Sure enough, Annalise’s words had an implied meaning

+15 BONUS 

It’s not that I have anything against you, but I’ve just given you so many chances throughout these two years. Yet your body just won’t bear kids. My health is worse nowadays, and I likely won’t be able to live for long. All I want is to have a grandchild or two. Do you understand how I feel, Yasmin?” 

Yasmin stayed silent, knowing Annalise had more to say. You can just get to the point


Here’s my suggestion, Yasmin. Since Blake isn’t fond of you and Giselle is now pregnant, why don’t you divorce Blake? That way, Giselle can officially marry him.” 

Yasmin was stunned. Annalise was siding with Giselle because of the baby. She wanted to separate Yasmin and Blake

But it wasn’t that Yasmin didn’t want to divorce Blake. Blake desired revenge against her, and Stuart wouldn’t agree to the divorce either

Yasmin’s gaze dulled at the thought of her father


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