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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 

+15 BONUS 

Yasmin looked surprised. What are you doing? Don’t you have a serious case of 

germaphobia? I made these rice balls myself. My hands were all over them.Saying this, she intentionally opened her hands to gross him out

Unexpectedly, Blake only paused for a short while and then ate the rice ball with an 

expressionless face. Not bad.” 

Yasmin was completely dumbfounded

Seeing her bewildered, Blake chuckled and asked casually, Is your hand getting better now? You can make rice balls?” 

I just sprained it a bit. It’s not like it’s broken. A day or two of rest, and I’ll be fine.Yasmin lifted her hand, and the swelling had eased considerably. She felt almost back to normal

Blake ate another rice ball and took a sip of her mutton soup

Yasmin exclaimed, Hey, don’t eat my dinner. There’s some soup left. If you want some, get it yourself. Mary made a big pot.” 

Blake said, Ladle the soup for me.” 

Yasmin refused. No way.” 

I’ll take this one then.Blake directly took her bowl

Hey!Expressing dissatisfaction, Yasmin frowned and reached out to grab the bowl. However, Blake already tilted his head back and finished the entire bowl of soup

Yasmin fell speechless. Are you seriously that hungry?” 

Seeing her bristling with anger, Blake could not help but laugh

What’s so funny?Yasmin muttered as she went to get another bowl and ladle some soup

Blake suddenly asked, Is there really something going on between you and Ivan Burke?” 

Something going on?Yasmin sipped the soup puzzledly

Are you really into him? Or are you just playing me?He seemed to have the patience to 

have a hearttoheart conversation with her for once

Yasmin paused and looked at him. She said seriously, It’s true. I really want to find someone I like again.” 


+15 BONUS 

Bale’s expression grew colder. So, you don’t love the last one anymore?” 

Why would I love someone if the relationship has no result?Yasmin took another sip of the soup as her tone remained calm. Seemingly, she was indifferent to everything 

I knew it. People like you are always so fickle.Blake’s expression turned cold

Yasmin was puzzled. What do you mean people like you? What kind of person am I?” 

Blake did not answer her. He put down his bowl and walked away as his bearing became very gloomy

Yasmin thought he was really unreasonable. He said that he would never love her. Now, she was not in love with him anymore, and he blamed her for being fickle instead

Yasmin snorted. He should have blamed himself for being a scumbag and ruining a good marriage by having an affair! Destroying the family by himself, he even had the nerve to blame her

Yasmin’s mood went sour again. She bit into a rice ball fiercely and intentionally sent him a message on WhatsApp. Mr. Ford, be careful with your stomach tonight.” 

Blake: ?” 

Yasmin: I just remembered something. When I returned tonight, I might’ve forgotten to wash my hands before making those rice balls. Soif you feel a stomach ache, it might be food poisoning.” 


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