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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 95

"That's none of your business." Blake's tone was gloomy.

Yasmin paused, pulled out a tie, and expertly wrapped it around his neck. She skillfully tied a knot.

That was right. He had Giselle now. He didn't need her care anymore. Giselle, with her refined manner, would surely know how to knot a tie.

When she was done with the tie, Yasmin took out a tie pin and secured it to his collar. He looked incredibly handsome in the suit. He exuded an aloof presence that kept people at a distance.

"All done." Yasmin smiled, ready to leave. Blake suddenly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

She looked up and found herself almost nose-to-nose with his deep, chiseled features. They locked eyes.

He asked in a deep voice, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

His warm breath brushed her tender lips.

Yasmin's expression faltered before she regained her composure.

"I hope you find happiness after the divorce." Yasmin swallowed the bitterness in her heart as she forced the words out of her mouth.

It was the final stretch. She reminded herself that she shouldn't look back now.

She reached out and pressed her hand against Blake's chest. "Your leg is still injured. Don't hug me. You might get a second cast."

Blake's gaze went cold. He thought she had something to say, so he gave her the chance. Unbeknownst to him, she decided to humiliate herself.

Blake chuckled. "Yasmin, if life doesn't treat you well after the divorce, don't come looking for me."

Yasmin nodded. "I will live my life well. Don't worry."

Blake was at a loss for words. He abruptly let her go, grabbed his walker, and exited the bedroom.

Yasmin stood behind him, feeling an inexplicable melancholy.

They got into the car. Malcolm asked, "Mr. Ford, where to?"

"City Hall," Blake said with his eyes closed.

Malcolm was surprised. He looked at Yasmin. "Mrs. Ford, are you and Mr. Ford..."

"Yes, we're getting divorced." Yasmin nodded with a smile.

Malcolm's usually composed face showed signs of confusion. The idea that Blake and Yasmin were getting divorced seemed implausible. After all, it seemed as if Blake was...

He turned to look at Blake.

Blake sat upright with closed eyes and said nothing.

"Malcolm, let's go. It's already 10:00 am. If we delay any longer, it will be noon soon."


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