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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 150

Claire Ashley had been in a bad mood during this period.

The woman on the microblog was getting more popular and she ignored Claire Ashley’s messages which made Claire feel even more frustrated.

Fortunately, with the passage of time Vanessa Cameron’s popularity and fame also decreased, and the thought that she could finally go back home made her mood a little better.


In the afternoon, Anna Stark came out of the dormitory with her schoolbag on her back. She was going to take the subway to go home. But she saw Jack Smith waiting for her at the gate.

Jack Smith’s car was parked there. She walked over, opened the door and sat in it.

"Mr. Smith, why you came to pick me? I have no luggage. I can come home by myself."

Anna Stark has always been quite independent. Last time, Jack Smith came to deliver her luggage because it was inconvenient for her to take it. But now, there were not many things, she didn’t expect that Jack Smith will come again to pick her.

Jack Smith’s attitude was much pole. She considered Anna Stark as the only hope for Mr. Taylor’s good life, "Mr. Taylor asked me to pick you up."

Actually, not only Daniel Taylor. Even he himself, when he got up this morning and thought of Anna Stark coming back, felt a little excited. He really wished that now Anna will handle Mr. Taylor well.

"Mr. Smith, tell me about sir? How did he spend this time? How is he?" Anna Stark really wanted to know about Daniel Taylor.

For her, the thought of meeting Daniel was even more exciting than the thought of eating good food!

Jack Smith stayed silent.

Anna Stark felt something, "Is he not in good health?"

"He didn’t take good sleep. He stayed awake till night to work and got up early in the morning. These days he didn’t give himself rest," Jack Smith said.

"Then you should take care of him. Arrange less work for him." Anna Stark heard about Sir’s tough routine and felt a little distressed.

Jack Smith glanced at Anna Stark through the mirror and said, "I can do this, only if Mr. Taylor tries to listen to me."

Anna Stark never thought about this situation, because in front of her Daniel Taylor behave like an easy-going person.


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