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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 169

He just wants to see how Anna will spend the next half of his life with Daniel Taylor. Sooner or later she will regret it.

When John Peter and Alan Kevin came down, everyone was already in the dining hall, including Daniel Taylor’s parents, Olivia Taylor, Anna, and Daniel Taylor.

Anna sat on the chair and spoke to Daniel Taylor, "Sir, look at this..."

Daniel Taylor looked at the dish that Anna put in front of them. There were two people carved on the dish. They were excellently carved. The man has turned his head aside indifferently, and the girl was sitting beside him to please him.

Although the facial features were not particularly exquisite. But it can be seen at a glance that she carved Anna and Daniel Taylor.

Anna pointed to the girl and served that piece to him, "This is yours."

She put the angry "Daniel Taylor" on the plate in front of her, "and this is mine!"

She looked at Daniel Taylor and said, "Look, I’ve given myself to you. Sir, you love me the most. Do you still want to be angry with me?"

Olivia Taylor sat beside them and listened to her. She couldn’t help laughing. "Anna, you can also do this. It’s excellent."

Olivia Taylor didn’t know whether Anna’s carving skills were excellent or her idea was, she really praised Anna for her artistic mind.

Anna smiled and said, "I do it for fun."

When she was a child, there was nothing to play with at home. Her mother planted radishes in the field and she often enjoyed spoiling radishes. The skills of carving radishes were extremely good. It was just that it wasn’t of much use. After all, she was not going to be a chef.

However, in the eyes of Taylor’s family, it was excellent!

Daniel’s mother doted on Daniel Taylor very much, so when she saw Anna coaxing Daniel Taylor, she was particularly pleased with Anna. "Anna is good at cooking," she said with a smile! "I heard from Aunt Lisa before, but I didn’t really believe it. But now I must say, you are excellent."

Just after looking at the presentation one can have an appetite.


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