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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 207

"Very good." Jack Smith recently understood Daniel Taylor’s love for Anna. He thought… no matter what Anna did, he just supposed to praise her.

Daniel Taylor looked at Jack Smith and said indifferently, "Then tonight, work overtime! And complete the work that you just told me."

"..." Jack Smith looked at Daniel Taylor incomprehensibly, "but Mr. Taylor, it’s Saturday, and there is much time. It can be done on Monday."

"I need to see it now." Daniel Taylor didn’t want to discuss, he ordered.

Jack Smith didn’t know when he offended him, he answered, "Yes."

He thought for a long time but didn’t understand what he had done wrong.

Was it wrong to praise Anna?

Anna looked at Jack Smith, who was asked to work overtime on Saturday, "Mr. Smith, do you want to drink coffee again? I’ll make it for you!"

Actually Anna also wanted to practice more.

The cup she gave to Jack Smith was originally for Daniel Taylor, but she felt that the design was not very good, so she made another cup for Daniel Taylor.

Jack Smith raised his head and was about to say okay. Suddenly, he felt that there was a cold arrow coming towards him.

He seemed to understand why he had to work overtime.

He quickly refused, "No, I don’t need it. I’ll do my work now. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have an early rest."

As a poor single, he didn’t want to hurt himself more.


Anna sat down beside Daniel Taylor and asked curiously, "Does Mr. Smith stay so busy every day?"

He even had to work overtime on Saturday. She suddenly felt that his job is not easy.


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