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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 212

In this world, not everyone can be bought with money.

Claire Ashley was really unlucky that she found him. Claire Ashley was scolded badly. She was angry, she stood under the dark sky and tears rolled down.

She has been pissed off!

"Eh, isn’t she Claire Ashley?" Alan Kevin and John Peter came out after watching the competition and found Claire Ashley.

They were classmates. Claire Ashley made a joke of herself. It was not hard for everyone to remember her.

John Peter didn’t reply.

Claire Ashley saw them and went to John Peter, "John Peter, this is a misunderstanding. They framed me. You have to believe me…"

"Get lost." Even a single word from Claire Ashley made John feel humiliated. He didn’t want to have any contact with such a woman.

The reason why Claire Ashley participated in this activity was to restore her image in John Peter’s heart. She never thought things would turn like this.

She thought she was completely finished!


Anna washed her face and changed into a T-shirt and jeans. Vanessa Cameron said, "Anna, are you going back to the dormitory or home?"

From tomorrow there will be holidays. Eiza Preston has already gone to catch her flight. Vanessa Cameron thought the holidays were too short, so she didn’t plan to go back.

Anna looked at Vanessa Cameron and said, "I am going back."

Anna had been busy these days and hadn’t got in touch with Sir. Now she can see him again. She just can’t wait to go home.

Vanessa Cameron said, "Okay." Everyone was going back. She will be alone in the room.

At that time, Alan Kevin came over, "Anna."


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