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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40

He had no special requirements for his life partner, and his family was very satisfied with her, so he also agreed.

But he didn't expect her to be so mean and self-centered.

If he knew he would have let that woman go earlier.

Daniel Taylor's eyes were full of anger. Whenever he was in such a mood, even Jack Smith, who always stayed beside him, also stayed away from him and didn't dare to approach him, because he suddenly became so scary!

However, this woman was not afraid of death, even after hearing his heavy tone she didn't go back instead she dared to come closer to him.

At the moment when Daniel Taylor's anger was about to break out, her hands, from behind touched his waist and she hugged him intimately.

Her chin rested gently on his broad shoulders and her soft face pressed against his hard and cold cheek.

Before this Anna Stark had just held his hand. She was very nervous in her heart. It was her boldest time to hold him like this. She was afraid that he will be angry and will beat her later.

She was most afraid of being beaten!

She hugged Daniel Taylor, and secretly looked at his cold face. He was very handsome. She kept looking at him and didn't know from where a strange thought came into her mind. She kissed him on the face.

Daniel Taylor's anger, which was about to erupt, was temporarily suppressed.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

He hated being coaxed and comforted. Even if it was Anna Stark, no matter whatever comforting words she wanted to say to him, he will only felt annoyed.

But, she didn't even utter a single word. What she did was totally different.

Anna Stark looked at his side face and smiled, "happy."

Her warm smile contrasted with his indifferent expressions!

Daniel Taylor frowned. He was angry, and she said she was happy?

She was happy to see him angry, wasn't she?

However, without waiting for him to say anything, Anna Stark hugged him more tightly, leaned on his shoulder, and said, "If I have the chance to meet your fiancée, I must thank her very much."


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