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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Maybe There's Still a Chance for Negotiation

The next morning when the sun just rose, Martha drove to the hospital.

She didn't look good, for she spent the whole night thinking about the result that was going to come out the next day.

She hoped that Jimmy could continue his life, but meanwhile, she was worried that Rhys was lying to her.

With nervous feelings, she arrived at the hospital.

From afar, she noticed Rupert was standing at the doorway seriously.

Martha frowned slightly and headed towards his direction.

"What's the result?"


He handed the result to Martha.

She nervously turned to the last page, and when she saw the result, she let out a relieved sigh.

It said the donor, [The donor is an 8/8 HLA match for the patient. A bone marrow transplant is feasible.]

Though it was within her expectation, she was still thrilled.

Rhys didn't lie to her.

If he didn't lie, should she agree to the condition he made?

Rupert, who was standing right in front of her, saw the hesitation on her face and asked, "It turns out he's a match for Jimmy. Are you going to marry him?"

He had tried to protect her years before, but still, he watched her marry Stefan like a moth to a flame. And in the end, she almost lost her life.

How could he let her go to hell once again?

Rupert clenched his hands unwittingly while looking calm.

Martha looked down. Something was flickering in her eyes, "Do I have other choices?"

That was the only opportunity to save Jimmy she had had for all those years. As a mother, she was willing to exchange her happiness for the life of her child.

Hearing that, Rupert pressed his lips together. There was evident concern and distress in his eyes.

After a long pause, he asked, "Is there any chance he would agree without you marrying him?"

He had no idea what sort of man Rhys was, but his instinct told him that the man was not an ordinary man.

If his love for Martha was not genuine, was it possible for him to make other conditions?

Martha's eyelashes fluttered, her mind jumbled.


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