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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 The Illegitimate Son

One of the women was about forty years old, while the other was twenty years old or so. They were mother and daughter.

The older one was Stefan's aunt, Giana Harrison.

She had been living abroad since she was a child. Later, she married a wealthy man and lived well. She had a daughter called Amanda Booker, probably the one standing beside her.

Stefan frowned slightly. Why were they back at this moment?

Hearing the sound from upstairs, Giana looked up. When she saw who was walking down, she smiled.

"It's been a long while, Stefan. You didn't go to work today?"


Stefan answered blandly.

He was not that close to them. Giana only went back once to mourn his father when he passed away.

Other than that, they had not much communication.

Their sudden appearance was quite suspicious for Stefan.

But Giana seemed to behave quite naturally. She smiled while holding her daughter's hands and introduced her daughter to Stefan, "Stefan, this is Amanda Booker, my daughter, your cousin."

Stefan's face didn't change. He looked drily at the girl behind her.

After only one glance, he looked away.

Giana slightly turned her head to see her daughter, who was looking down silently.

Giana pinched her daughter's hand and signaled her to send her regards.

Amanda stepped forward shyly and said with a blushing face, "Good afternoon, Stefan."

Hearing that, Stefan frowned slightly.

He didn't like this cousin. But since they were related by blood, he didn't say anything.

He looked at Giana with his dark eyes and asked coldly, "What brought you here, aunt Giana?"

Giana called the servants and had them bring her luggage to the room.

Then she turned to Stefan and explained a bit resignedly, "I had a divorce. So, I plan to stay here for a while."

Stefan pursed his lips and said nothing.

The divorce probably suggested that she was going to stay a long while here.

Seeing that Stefan kept silent and didn't express his attitude, Giana frowned in displeasure. The smile on her face froze.

"What? Am I not welcomed?"


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