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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 1

Oakheart International Airport, which had always been hustling and bustling, had no signs of tourists at all. The entire place was so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

Only thousands of men dressed in camouflage uniforms were present with loaded weapons, waiting in anticipation.

“Zone one, clear!”

“Zone two, clear!”

The colonel who carried two stripes and three stars on his shoulders, Lone Wolf, let out a long sigh of relief after hearing the report.

“The coast is clear. You may alight now, Great Marshal.”

Zeke extinguished the cigar in his hand before he slowly walked out of the private jet.

He was decked out in a fur coat that rustled in the cold wind. His expression was bland, but it instilled fear in others, nonetheless.

He exuded an aura like that of a monarch overlooking the world, which made people hold their breaths.

Thousands of soldiers shifted their gaze to him uniformly, their eyes brimming with admiration.

He was a living legend and their faith.

“Welcome back, Great Marshal!” Lone Wolf hurriedly greeted.

Zeke nodded indifferently.

“Great Marshal,” Lone Wolf continued gingerly, “Your family has sent some people to meet you. They are waiting in the lounge.”

“They seem desperate for you to return to the family.”

Zeke stood rooted to the ground as he looked toward the lounge.

There was indeed a row of people in suits, anxiously awaiting his return.

As their eyes met, the people inside shuddered and couldn't help but kneel on the ground with pleading eyes.

It would be a major shock to anyone who saw this scene.

Did the dignified and influential Williams family of Atheville just get down on their knees?

Zeke snorted, his mind wandering.

He, the original young master of the Williams family in Atheville, had been forced by the head of the Williams family to take his twin brother's place in jail fifteen years ago.

No one had spoken up for him in the family, including his parents.

He was released from prison five years later.

And in just a few years, he became a marshal with unparalleled power and the world's number one God of War.

In the past, when he had experienced the cruelty of life, the Williams family had shown him no concern at all.

But now that he was rich and powerful, they finally remembered him.

How ridiculous!

A sense of self-deprecation flashed across Zeke's face as he responded coldly, “Tell them the moment the Williams family made me go to jail on behalf of my brother fifteen years ago, Zeke Williams died. The Zeke Williams right now has nothing to do with the Williams family of Atheville. Tell them not to disturb me again or they'll see torrents of blood before their eyes! Take care of it, Lone Wolf. Don't interfere with my wedding reception.”

Lone Wolf nodded hastily. “Yes, Sir!”

Zeke walked up to the wedding car on the side.

He stroked the jade pendant hanging on his chest. His anger then vanished, tamped down by an obvious act of will.

He couldn't help but think about the origin of that jade pendant.

Ten years ago, when he had finished serving his time in prison, no one from the Williams family had come to pick him up; no one even sent their regards.

They had completely forgotten about him.

He was penniless and living on the streets. Starving and dying from the cold, he wanted to end his life there and then.

But at that critical moment, a little girl passing by had given him a cotton-padded coat and a jade pendant.

“This cotton-padded coat will keep you warm from the cold, and this jade pendant will bring you good luck. As long as you're alive, there is hope.”

She had rekindled that spark of hope in Zeke who, in turn, affirmed his determination to make a name for himself.

So, he had dusted himself down and embarked on the journey of becoming a soldier.

There were countless times when he was on the brink of death with no hope of survival whatsoever. Whenever he was in jeopardy, that beautiful and kind silhouette would flash across his mind.

She was Zeke's conviction to live and motivation to keep striving.

After serving in the military for only five years, he had become the marshal of the armed forces.

In the midst of a national crisis, Zeke had been entrusted with a mission to lead thousands of troops and make a clean sweep across the borders of nine countries. He also had to force them into signing the Nine Nations Treaty of Alliance.

For five years, Zeke had not been allowed to make a comeback. He was prohibited from using his wealth and power in exchange for fair competition for Eurasia enterprises in those nine countries.

Since then, the Great Marshal had disappeared.

Only the ordinary man, Zeke Williams, returned to Oakheart City. Thereafter, he found the girl, Emily Clemons, who gave him the jade pendant back then and courted her madly.

After five years of dedication, it finally came to fruition.

Today was the day he was going to marry Emily.

And the day when the Nine Nations Treaty of Alliance expired.

For the first time in five years, he had left Oakheart City and headed to the United Nations to terminate the Nine Nations Treaty of Alliance yesterday; today was the day he rushed back to attend his wedding.

After tonight, his power and wealth would be automatically reinstated.

“Great Marshal,” Lone Wolf called, handing him a list. “Your Grand Comeback Ceremony is scheduled in three days. Here's the invitation list. Please have a look.”

Zeke glanced at the list and said, “Send three invitation cards to my fiancée, Emily. I want her to know that in three days, her husband will be the powerful Great Marshal who overturns the world. Not just some man on the street!”


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