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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 12

“M-Mr. Douglas, please calm down,” Skye pleaded as he ran towards the assistant and offered a cigarette. “My father-in-law has no idea who you are.”

The fat man did not accept the cigarette and instead laughed, “Keep your cigarette. You're now fired. Get lost!”

In an instant, Skye felt as if his whole world had collapsed. He couldn't believe he had lost his job just hours after he got it.

“Mr. Douglas! Please spare me! I have nothing to do with this family anymore! We haven't even signed the papers yet! It's not official! Just forgive me this one time! I beg you!”

All of Jeremy's relatives looked as if they had just been punched in the face. They couldn't believe that Skye Hans, the person they were proud to have in their family, was nothing in front of the fat man.

Hans had to forfeit his relationship with the family to save his position.

“Y-you ungrateful ba****d!” Jeremy yelled.

“How dare you turn your back on us?” Lily also scolded. “To hell with being the section chief! How dare you treat us like this?”

Skye turned around and pushed Lily away, so hard that he made Lily fall to the floor.

“Do you really think you're in the position to talk? Give this room to Mr. Douglas this instant!” Skye roared.

They were a family just a moment ago, yet everything changed in a blink of an eye.

Lily couldn't hold in her tears any longer.

Jeremy had no choice but to draw his final card.

“Do you know who my niece is promised to? Jackson Hamilton!”

The fat man looked at Jeremy and laughed even louder. “Let me guess, you guys are the Hinton family, right?”

Jeremy nodded. “That's right! This is Jackson's fiancée, Lacey Hinton!”

“Indeed, I have to show some respect to the Hamilton family,” the fat man said. “But do you really think Jackson is willing to get on my bad side because of you guys?”

His statement stunned the whole crowd.

Even the Hamilton family could not scare the fat man.

“Still, Lacey Hinton is quite the famous person now,” the fat man stated, looking at Lacey. “The news of her rejecting Jackson is really something. So, which one of you is the trash she picked instead?”

Lacey was so embarrassed; she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

Zeke stood up slowly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Hannah Lawson quickly pulled Zeke on his shirt, terrified. “Sit back down! Just let him say what he wants.”

“Don't worry about it,” Zeke said nonchalantly. “I've had it with people making fun of Lacey. It's time I make an example out of them.”

Zeke then took a puff of his cigarette before shoving it down the fat man's throat. Before the fat man could even realize what was happening, Zeke grabbed him by his neck and lifted him off the floor.

A 300-pound man was easily raised with just one arm of Zeke!

The fat man struggled in pain as he gasped for air.

But no matter how much the fat man squirmed, Zeke's tight grip held him firmly in place.

The Hinton family could not believe their eyes as Zeke punished the man who dared challenge the Hamilton family.

But they also felt relieved, as this will cause the fat man to shift his attention from the family to Zeke.

The Hinton family thought they might be able to live if they cut off their ties with Zeke.

Lacey was terrified and quickly stopped Zeke. “Hey! Let him go!”

Zeke swung his arm and threw the fat man to the floor.

The fat man quickly tried to cough the cigarette out, but only blood came out.

“You f**ker! Men! Take him down!” The fat man yelled.

Lacey quickly grabbed Zeke's hand and pulled him towards the window. “You have to run, now! Go as far away from the city as possible until things die down!”


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