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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 20

“10 years ago, the Great Marshal was penniless and homeless. It was you who gave him a coat and a jade pendant as a comfort,” Lone Wolf explained. “That was how the Great Marshal came to be.”

“I see! That was him? I've never thought that he would become the Great Marshal!” Lacey exclaimed. “But please tell the Great Marshal that we aren't suited to be together...”

Everyone could not believe their ears.

Lacey has just rejected the Great Marshal's marriage proposal.

“May I know the reason?” Lone Wolf asked.

“The Great Marshal is proposing to me because he feels like he owes me. I'm not looking forward to a marriage without love,” Lacey explained. “To be frank, we aren't living in the same world either. Plus, I already have a husband.”

Lacey turned to look at Zeke.

Lone Wolf wanted to say something, but Zeke stopped him with a glare.

“I-I see... Then, we shall respect Ms. Hinton's decision,” Lone Wolf said and signaled the army to retreat. “Honored guests, please, enjoy your meal.”

The crowd finally quieted down and sat down respectively.

As Madeleine and Emily quietly sat down, Lone Wolf stared at them and scolded, “What the hell are you two doing? Join the servants! How dare you try to sit with these VIPs?”

Emily and Madeleine could not hide their embarrassment. Zeke was right again.

They stumbled into the corner and joined the other servants.

“Lacey, why did you reject the marshal?” Zeke asked after they were seated.

“I'm just a normal citizen. There's no way I'm a match for someone as special as the Great Marshal,” Lacey explained. “Plus, I don't think I can get used to such an extravagant life.”

Special? Fine. I'll make you into a special woman first. Not used to an extravagant life? Then I'll make your business successful first!


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