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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 32

The Great Marshal!

Zeke is... The Great Marshal!

The legendary God of War!

About four of five of the group fainted in fear.

Zeke said coldly, “You know what you should do.”

“I know, I know.” Darren Collins kneeled and prostrated himself so hard that his head was bleeding. “Tomorrow, we shall mortgage the factory to Lacey.”

Zeke sneered, “You think I'm interested in your little factory?”

Darren Collins was shivering in panic. “No, Sir! No, Sir!”

Zeke got up and made a mark on the map hanging on the wall.

The location he had marked was the bridge on the Winrood River, the place he almost had an accident.

“All those who were involved in sending the Fearsome Foursome to murder me and my wife, hand over your mortgage papers to Lacey tomorrow. Then, come to this place to carry out your own sentences. If you force me to mete it out, more than one life will be involved.”


Darren's heart suddenly stopped beating. He died on the spot.

Zeke checked the time. It was already past three o'clock in the morning.

“Arrange a place to sleep for me.” Zeke ordered Lone Wolf, “It's already so late. I do not wish to disturb Lacey.”


Meanwhile, Lacey brought with her more than thirty workers from her factory to support her husband at The Winrood River bridge.

There was total silence at the bridge but for the deafening sound of rushing water. No one was around.

Two trucks were parked silently on the bridge.

Near the trucks was a patch, blood-red in colour and fearsome to behold.

This patch of red aggravated Lacey's mind so much that she blacked out and collapsed on the ground in a faint.

Poor Zeke didn't last long enough for her to return with help!


The next day, she was awakened by people calling her name.

“Lacey, come on, wake up, don't frighten us!”

Slowly, Lacey opened her eyes.

At that point, her mind was totally blank.

She turned her head and looked at her side.


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