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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 7

When will I take over the Schneider family's property?

Zeke replied, Acquire all steel mills in Oakheart City, except for Lacey Hinton's.

Since Hamilton Construction no longer allows Lacey to supply steel to them, I'll cut off all the supplies from every steel mill in Oakheart City.

Going out of town to find supplies? Then I'll acquire every steel mill across the country!


The next day, Zeke simply washed up and exited his room.

The sun hit just right, and a gentle breeze brushed against his face.

A coquettish figure was standing under a peach tree, surrounded by an air of melancholy.

Zeke's heart palpitated at that breathtaking sight, and he couldn't bear to disturb her.

Lacey was frowning as she was making a call, her tone filled with supplication.

“Mr. Lewis, please reconsider the collaboration. We can discuss the price again. What? What do you mean there's nothing to discuss?”

Hanging up the phone, she dialed another number as she couldn't resign to the outcome.

“Mr. Gray, after much consideration, I agree with your acquisition of the steel mill. But could you raise the price a little? What? You want to lower the price... Don't you think that's too much?”

Hanging up the phone again, she looked more depressed.

Only then did she notice Zeke standing at the side.

She smiled bitterly. “The last few business partners called just now to inform us that they are cutting ties with the steel mill. I suspect Emily and Jackson are behind this. The steel mill may have to shut down today.”

Zeke smiled. “Although you look pretty when you're depressed, it breaks my heart. Don't worry. Emily will come and beg you to cooperate with her. Also, I'll reel in a big business for you today.”

At that, he turned around and left.

Looking at his leaving figure, Lacey was amused.

This guy is good at everything, but his boasting isn’t to be complimented.

Not long after Zeke left, a BMW suddenly stopped in front of the factory.

Emily got down from the car, mocking, “Basking in the sun now, are we? How laid back of you.”

“My company no longer needs supplies from you, so pay us back now. If you can't pay us today… Haha! I can only trouble you to mortgage the factory to us. You can then enjoy your life in prison.”

Lacey could feel a chill wafting across her body.

I'm doomed. The factory has always been operating in debt. How am I supposed to pay them back?

Not only is the factory going to close down, but even jail time can't be spared!


At Schneider Group, in Evan Schneider's office.

Despite being the richest man in Oakheart City, Evan was like a servant before Zeke. He dared not breathe or even look him in the eye.

If Zeke could easily make him the richest man in Oakheart City, he could likewise destroy him with just a snap of his fingers.

The power of Zeke was beyond Evan’s imagination.

“Mr. Williams,” Evan said gingerly. “I've acquired every steel mill in Oakheart City as per your instruction. I wonder what's your plan for acquiring these steel mills. Please let me know so that I can make the arrangements.”

Zeke drew in a deep breath. “Don't supply anything to the Hamilton family through these steel mills. Also, all the steel orders from the Schneider family shall be given to Lacey Hinton from now on.”

Evan nodded hastily. “Noted, Sir.”

“Do you have any business dealings with Hamilton Construction?” Zeke asked abruptly.

“The Hamilton family handles one of our construction projects,” Evan replied. “But the project has been overdue for two days and has yet to complete.”


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