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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 74

Daniel and his wife were watching TV at home.

Noticing that Lacey had come back alone, Hannah asked immediately, “Where's Zeke, Lacey? Why didn't he come back with you?”

Lacey immediately became sulky. “Mom, I just got off work after a busy day, and yet you ask about Zeke first without bothering whether I've already eaten. I'm your biological child, not him.”

So, Hannah asked, “Have you eaten yet?”

“Yes,” Lacey replied.

“What about Zeke?”

Lacey was rendered speechless.

My parents are completely hopeless.

She changed into her slippers and said, “Dawnie is back, and Zeke went to eat Western food with her.”

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief. “What a relief. I thought you two had a quarrel.”

Hannah asked, “Why's Dawnie back? Is she on holiday?”

“Mom, she has long graduated with a PhD. Anyway, she will be here soon. You should clean up the place.”

“Okay.” Li Yuhuan agreed and hurriedly tidied up the house.

Lacey and Dawn had grown up together, so they were very close. Hannah had even become Dawn's godmother.

So, Hannah had always treated Dawn as her daughter.

As she cleaned up the house, she asked, “Lacey, do Dawnie and Zeke get along well? That girl likes to mock others. I hope she doesn't make Zeke angry.”

Lacey smiled slyly. “Haha, mom, let me tell you, Dawnie is getting better at mocking others. It's impossible for them to get along well. She even called Zeke a trashman today. Hahaha! Isn't your son-in-law very awesome? He didn't even dare make a sound in front of Dawnie.”


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