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Harvey York's Rise to Power novel Chapter 336

“That’s right. He’s even comparable to a dog in our family, but the people are praising him right now!”

“Do we expose him for who he is right now? He’s nothing but a live-in son-in-law. Why is he sitting there feeling all high and mighty?”

“Zack Zimmer! What do you say?!”


The whole family set their eyes on Zack. He was the vice CEO of the Zimmer family, everyone had to consult for his opinion.

Zack’s face had suddenly turned gray, he did not know what to say at that moment.

The others wanted him to ‘hold the stage’, but all that Zack wanted to do was to dig a hole and hide in it so that Harvey York wouldn’t see him.

Or the worthless piece of trash, Harvey could pretend like nothing ever happened. If not, is he about to make Zack kneel in front of him?

He wouldn’t even need a day to be the laughing stock in all of Niumhi!

Zack would not dare to speak, while Mandy Zimmer hung her head down, forcing not to smile.

People had held this live-in son-in-law as a man with talent and looked up to him remarkably. Only the Zimmer family had considered him to be filth.

Shane Naiswell had respected Harvey to a high degree while the Zimmer family pretended like he was nothing. This was truly irony at its finest.

“Nobody do anything stupid! Take a look around you and see what kind of occasion we’re in! Do you want to kill us all?!” Senior Zimmer said coldly.

He knew full well. It did not matter at all how he got to that seat, but since he got there, it meant that the Naiswells admired him.

If at that moment anybody were to refute or ridicule Harve, it would also mean that they were provoking the Naiswell family.

Senior Zimmer did not have Alzheimer’s, he just knew how to choose wisely.

“Mandy, you’re his wife. You should be toasting for Master Naiswell!”

His eyesight landed onto Mandy and smiled.

It was a neat coup having Mandy there at that moment.

Not only would they expose Harvey’s identity in their family, they would use the identity to let people know that the person Master Naiswell admires was the son-in-law of their family.


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