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Harvey York's Rise to Power novel Chapter 337

“It didn’t matter how he met Master Naiswell, a worthless trash is still a worthless trash.”

“I’ll admit to his excellence if he can help the Zimmer family in organizing an event that’ll make us a first class family!”

Senior Zimmer breathed in heavily with a cold expression.

Mandy Zimmer looked at Senior Zimmer, her heart had felt an unspeakable feeling.

On the contrary, Senior Zimmer would never admit the truth that he had always despised Harvey York.

Meanwhile, Harvey made acquaintances with the Naiswell family just for the benefits.

That could only be described as utterly shameless.

Even then, in Mandy’s eyes, Harvey did not even care about the Zimmer family’s opinions on him.

Why would he care about what other people said about him when he could talk freely in front of Shane Naiswell?

No matter how Shane had looked up to him, the fact that he was sitting there meant that he was successful.

Even if it was for his treasure appraising trick, to be noticed and looked up by the patriarch of appraising treasures, Shane Naiswell, it was all due to his own skill.

The antique fair had not started yet so instead first came the banquet.

Harvey did not even bat an eye at the Zimmer family during the banquet.

But as soon as the banquet was at its close, Rosalie Naiswell coldly walked up to the table that the Zimmer family was sitting at.

Senior Zimmer saw her walking toward the family and stood up trembling without any thought of flaunting his old age.

“Greetings, Miss Naiswell. I’m from the Zimmer…”

Senior Zimmer immediately got cut off by Rosalie Naiswell.

“Which one of you is Zack Zimmer? I heard that you’ve lost a bet.”

Rosalie was not a woman without manners. On the contrary, a woman that was born in a big family would have excellent self-control and character.

But Harvey did not even take a glance at her while they were eating. She was anxious and she thought that the incident before the banquet had made him dislike her.


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