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Hatred With Benefits novel Chapter 87


"You'll be the fucking death of me. " He mutters and I chuckle, giving a rub to the front of his pants before I pull back and lean against the steering wheel. "Yes?"

Emerson doesn't respond as he wraps his hand around my throat and mashes his lips to mine, assaulting my mouth in a way that shows how badly he wants me.

I push him by the shoulders, breaking away from the kiss. "Now, Emerson. "

"Fucking now. " He agrees and I move back to my seat while he starts the car. I'm helpless against my needs and I fail to control myself as I rub his hardness at several intervals while he tries to focus on the drive.


We reach the front of our apartment and Emerson is first to move out of his seat. I watch as he shuts his door and walks in front of me to my side. I struggle to undo my seatbelt as he yanks me out of my seat and pulls me along with him after a hard bang of the door.

The instant we step inside, he backs me against the door with my legs glued around his waist and I comb my fingers through his hair, pulling his bottom lip between my teeth.

"You taste so fùcking good, " he utters as he kisses down my face to the corner of my mouth and a moan falls from my mouth as I grip his locks. His one hand stays on my hips and the other is sliding up my side, moving my dress up along with it as he baths my neck with his kisses and his wet tongue. He pulls back and meets my eyes for a split second before he pushes his face to my chest and I clamp my legs around him tighter as I arch my back to push more of my chest into his face with my hands locking around the back of the head.

My heavy breathing floats in the air as Emerson sucks my chest through the dress before he pulls back and runs the hand from my side to my lower back, meeting my lips and taking them in his. I drop my hands to the top of his head and coil my fingers through his curls as he slips his hands on my buttocks to lift me slightly in his arms; a sound of satisfaction falls from my mouth when I feel his erect length pressing between my thighs.

"Emerson—" I moan out his name and he hauls away from the kiss, eyes filled with lust and eagerness before he leans forward and presses his lips to my throat.

I grip his shoulders tightly when he flexes his hips, letting me feel how hard I have him and hot liquid burns through me, settling between my thighs and leaving my core a deprived mess for him.

"Oh, " I breathe when his lips move to my earlobe and he pulls the flesh between his teeth before he releases it to whisper into my ear, "Do you remember what you said in the car?"

I'm unable to come up with a coherent response and Emerson takes my hum as one, "You won't hold back anything. Do you understand me, Eva?"

When I drop my gaze to him, I take a swallow at how intense his eyes are and I nod.

He shakes his head, his hand moving to my legs and gliding up my thighs, revealing more and more of my skin in the process. "Say the words. Say you won't hold back. Say they are mine to hear. "

"They are yours to hear. " I tell him what he yearns for and suck in a breath when I feel his right hand crawl closer to my inner thighs and my panties. "Louder, Carson. "

"They are yours to hear. " I say again and he smiles, stilling the movement of his hands as he closes his lips over mine and then he's moving us in the direction of the room. My heart pounds loudly in my chest and it echoes over the sounds we both make from the crush of our lips along with the burn of my body. At this moment, I'm burning under his mercy and I just need him to put that fire out.

We soon reach inside the room with a struggle to get rid of the materials that cover our bodies, hiding them from the other. Amidst a tangle of tongues, crush of lips and sounds of heavy pants in the air; we manage to peel off our clothes, ripping some in the process but not giving a care at this moment as he brings me to the bed. He drops me on the edge and detaches his lips from mine, trailing the kisses to the middle of my chest and stopping at the low of my hips.

His chin is against my stomach as he raises his eyes to me and I stare down at him, watching in anticipation as he edges closer to where it aches. He lowers himself onto the ground, on his knees before me as he presses his hand to either side of my thighs, leaving my legs open for him and giving him access to what he wants.

"You're so fucking soaked, baby. " He states the obvious as he gives one hard swipe of his tongue and I shiver in response, "For you. Only for you. "

"That's right, " he muses, lowering his head to my pussy, his breath fanning my wetness as he speaks again, "Only for me. " A cry tears from my lips when Emerson takes my hardening bud in his mouth and flicks with his tongue.

"Oh, God. Yes. Yes, Em. Right there. " I chant and he closes his mouth over my labia, with his tongue darting into my opening and I throw my head to the back, my hands fisting into the sheets as I writhe against his mouth and he takes that as a cue to suck harder. Mercilessly.

The air in my lungs vanishes and my back arches up as he licks between my pussy lips, building up the pleasure and awakening my bundle of nerves, and God— I can't begin to put into words how fucking good it feels. I can't remember the last time it's felt this good: The memories of the previous night—though they remain clear and fresh in my head— I don't remember that coming as close to this. It's like we're letting everything go for the first time again. Taking what's once ours, not by the words, but by the actions and reuniting our body, soul and mind. It's just him and I. Him and his delicious mouth.

"Go faster, Em. Faster, oh God..." I lift my legs to his shoulder to urge him. "Don't stop. Yes. Yes. Yes!" I can't help but clamp my legs around his head as his tongue and mouth lap at my juices greedily. My hands become weak, and moans and sobs of satisfaction leave my lips as my orgasm completely consumes me. I feel his mouth leave my pussy and the tension begins to ease only for a moment then his fingers are rubbing against me.

"Oh, FUCK!" I scream into the air, my hair a wet mess across my face as he swipes down my lower lips and finds my clit, pinching the flesh together before he slides two fingers inside my throbbing core at once.

E I G H T Y - S E V E N 1


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