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Heart Of A Beast novel Chapter 35


Baby take it slow so we can last long...



"So why have you been quite?" Thelma asked as she watch me drink up the bowl of soup I told her to make me when I walked into the kitchen a few minutes ago.

The truth was that, I needed to get away from all the emotions getting to me, *it's just sex Rina and I shouldn't be worked up all because of that* I thought with a faint blush on my cheeks.

I tried to tell myself a dozen time, I don't want to share Damien, I want him all to myself and it looks like I'm not going to have him in the most important part, the moon goddess must be playing a cruel joke on me. *And hey goddess it isn't getting any funny so stop!* I yelled in my head.

"Poor you!, You are worriedbecause Fiona is around?" Deya whispered darting a look around the busy kitchen to make sure no one was listening to our conversation.

"Not really, I don't care about Fiona. There's just something bothering me. If the moon goddess knew that Damien and I couldn't mate then why was I his mate?" I asked the burning question which has kept me awake all night.

"Really? You mean you and the Alpha haven't....?" Thelma shuttered... blushing a little.

I also had the grace to blush at her question l, suddenly taking a deep fascination at the soup I was drinking, * How do I answer that?*

"Do I need to answer that" I blush a little harder.

"Gosh! You have that sexy package all to yourself and haven't got a bit of him? Damn girl he's your man, you own him, take him to bed, seduce him until he can't say no then fuck him till his eyes roll back and he forget every single bitch he has ever been with" Deya told me.

I stare at her like she was crazy. "I thought you were a virgin" I teased blinking rapidly.

"You thought wrong" She admitted. "Liam and I are already mated"

Thelma groan as if wishing she could disappear, from the look on her face.

"Who's Liam?" I asked since it the first time she's mentioned it to me.

"My mate" She answered.

"Awwwn" I gushed which made her blush and Thelma rolling her eyes at us.


"How far are you hanging on in there? I heard that you are completely useless in bed, a weak human who would probably die if her mate had mate with her. You are useless" Fiona tauted giving me a smug smile.

I wished I could just wrap my fingers tightly around her neck and squeeze hard until she turn pale, but I do not match her strength. And who the hell told her that? *Damien?* I thought with a sinking feeling.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" That came out weakly than I intended. *Gosh I can't let her know how much are words affected me knowing she would deprived joy from that*

"Poor you, I kind of pity you cause you will never know what Damien's touch feels like, intimately if you know what I mean, the feelings of his hands on your breasts? Of course you won't and let talk about the feel of his fingers in your..... " Then she laugh cruely.

I could only stare at her with a disgusting look on my face but inside, my heart of breaking but I refused to let her see it.

"Even his pets get a taste of him and you? You call yourself his mate yet you don't know how it feels like to be touch by one's mate, especially to be touch by a man like Damien. So don't you think you're worthy of being called his mate, Damien deserves a strong woman and not a girl who has no idea of her identity, or a girl who might passed out at the idea of being made love to" She tauted pausing and waiting for my reaction.

This time I couldn't blink by the tears, there was was truth in her words no matter how much I tried to deny it. A Luna is meant to be strong...

"Is that all?" My voice cracked, the pain I felt at that moment was just too much that for a split second I thought I might pass out or something.

"What the hell is going on here?" Damien growled behind us.

I quickly hurried out of the room not bothering to give him an answer, Fiona could she's strong enough I thought blinking back my tears. I could feel him coming after me but I didn't turn around until I was in the safety of my room soon than expected. He walks in.

"Rina! You're going to give me an answer! What the hell was going on back there? Did Fiona hurt you again?" His eyes took a dangerous light but that moment I didn't care.

Drowning in tears 1

Drowning in tears 2

Drowning in tears 3


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