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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 420

Chapter 420 

What’s the deal between Jared and Dr. Ryder

Everyone at the hospital got it

Dr. Ryder was the only descendant of the third generation of the Whitfield family 

He was the grandson of Tim Whitfield

Jared was Dr Ryder’s uncle, and that chick was Ryder’s aunt 

It seemed like everyone got the wrong end of the stick yesterday

However, if Jared was Dr. Ryder’s uncle, why did Dr. Ryder sound so icy when he talked to him, even calling him Mr. Whitfield

It got everyone’s head spinning 

Jared cast a glance at the doctors and nurses at the door, furrowed his brows a little, then let go of Agnes

And then came another bunch of people, with Ryder in the mix

Agnes was also getting a headache

Actually, there was nothing wrong with her. There was no need for her to stay in the hospital

She was planning to check out that day

Her attending physician, Dr. Porras, came to check on Agnes, asked a few routine questions. Then he said, Ms. Pritchard, if you want to check out, you can do that anytime.After a while, the doctors and nurses all left

But Ryder didn’t leave

Jared looked pissed and said, What do you want?” 

I just heard you guys mention my name,Ryder responded promptly

The room fell eerily silent

Agnes was also looking down in the dumps

Did Ryder hear her conversation with Jared

It would have been impossible as the door was closed. And there were so many doctors and nurses, constantly giving medical reports

Even if Ryder heard some noise from inside, he should only be able to catch some muffled words

But Agnes wasn’t sure

Jared didn’t say anything, he just quietly looked at Ryder, as if waiting for him to say something next

Ryder went on, If this conflict between you two is because of me, then forget it. Uncle, I know what you’re thinking. I like Agnes, but that’s just my own thing. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you, but you don’t have to worry, because I’m planning to go back to the Thomas family.” 

Jared’s face changed instantly, and he asked, Back to the Thomas family? You’ve made up your mind?” 

Ryder nodded and replied, I’ve made up my mind. I’ll go convince my mom and grandpa. So, uncle, you don’t need to worry about me being a threat to your marriage.” 

That was the first time that Ryder admitted his feelings for Agnes in front of Jared

Having said that, Ryder turned around and left

The room was dead silent

Actually, Agnes and Jared both knew that Ryder was clueless about the truth

He probably thought that a hug one night, or a few words caused the emotional conflict between them

But in reality, it was much more complicated than that


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