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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 463

Chapter 463 

Agnes was blunt, Ms. Laura, please leave the Pritchard family within three days. Wish you all the best, more power to you.” 

After saying that, Agnes turned and left

Beatrice cursed from behind, You bitch, I’m our father’s daughter too, why should you get all the house? Agnes, you’re dreaming if you think I’m going to let you hog all the Pritchard family wealth. Just you wait!” 

Laura held back Beatrice, Why argue with her right now? Now that she has our weakness, we have to bow. But judging from her state, she’s probably under pressure from the Whitfield family too. Let’s bide our time, wait for this storm to pass, then we’ll deal with her.” 

Laura was furious at Agnes

Everything she had carefully planned was ruined by Agnes

Now the company was in her hands, and she couldn’t take away a penny of the family wealth

That woman was ruthless

But luckily, she had gained the trust of Berlin Thomas

As long as she could become Mrs. Thomas, she wouldn’t even care about the Whitfield family.. 

Once back in her room, Agnes felt utterly drained

She lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, feeling like she had no strength left

She really had no strength left

She had no energy to fight with Laura or to investigate further

Her father was in this state, plus she was pregnant, Agnes felt like she was at a crossroads in life, unsure of what to do.. Laura had cut off her retreat

Agnes thought maybe that was for the best

If she had to choose, whichever path she chose would be incredibly painful

Maybe it was a good thing to give up completely

After all, she couldn’t turn back now

Alyssa turned out to be Jared’s biological mother… 

Agnes found it incredibly ironic

No wonder, every time Alyssa looked at Jared, it was as if she was looking at her own child

She initially thought they just had a strong sibling bond

Now it all made sense

Jared and Ryder were actually biological brothers

Could there be anything more ironic

Ryder had been calling Jared uncle for so many years, considering him an elder

How would Ryder react when he found out the truth

Once this secret was out, the Whitfield family would surely be in chaos

Mom, can you see this

Would it comfort you to see Alyssa like this now? I’m sorry, mom. I married the son of the person who killed you, and now I have a child

Agnes put her hand on her belly, tears uncontrollably sliding down her face

But mom, I want to keep this baby… 

In the Whitfield family, lights were on

Several doctors came out of the room

Tim immediately hobbled over with his cane, How’s my daughter?” 

The first doctor to speak said, Miss has had her stomach pumped, she should be fine. However, she took a large amount of sleeping pills. We didn’t detect this issue immediately, so we need to continue observing her for any possible side effects.” 


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