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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 486

Chapter 486 

Ryder quickly spun his head towards the door

Agnes had just left

Ryder scrunched his eyebrows, So where you at?” 

Jared responded, I’m not far from your hospital, about fifteen minutes away.” 

Ryder exhaled in silence

Seems like he’s not here yet, they probably won’t bump into each other

Agnes carefully secured Nocturne in the car’s child safety seat

This safety seat was specially customized, unlike any other

Nocturne could sleep in it

After setting up Nocturne, Aghes drove off

This was downtown

The traffic was heavy and there were tall buildings on both sides


Jared was also driving on the same street

Seems like fate had its own agenda

Agnesand Jared’s car both came to a halt at the same red light

Jared stopped his car

He absentmindedly turned his head

And then he saw a familiar profile

For a moment, Jared felt like time had frozen

That face, it had appeared in his dreams countless times

Every time, he wanted to reach out and touch it

But it would always fade into nothingness

On countless nights, he would wake up from his dreams

All he would see was endless darkness, like dawn would never come

Jared thought he was hallucinating

Over the years, he had mistaken many people for her

After Agnes disappeared, Jared realized, there were indeed a lot of people who looked like her

But they were not her

Even if he was mistaken at first glance, upon a second look, Jared could tell right away

But at this moment

Jared looked at that profile, no matter what, he couldn’t snap out of it

Even though her face looked quite different from his memory

Her oncelong hair was now short

Her skin was no longer as smooth and delicate, but covered with some freckles

But Jared’s heart skipped a beat, followed by a suffocating pain, wave after wave, reminding him this wasn’t a hallucination

The light turned green

Cars beside him drove past him

Jared felt like he was sucked into a whirlpool, frozen, for a few seconds, until the car behind him honked at him

But in an instant, he snapped out of it

He made a Uturn without a second thought

Just then, a car came from the opposite direction and blocked Jared’s way

He was driving against traffic and immediately caused a jam


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