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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 497

Chapter 497 

But there was one thing that was bugging Agnes

Nocture’s watch had a builtin tracker, no matter where Nocturne went, Agnes could track his location on her cell phone

But when that incident happened, Agnes started to use the tracker

At first, she could still locate Nocturne

But after a while, Nocturne’s location suddenly disappeared

The last spot he was traced to was near a villa area filled with topnotch moguls, All the residents there were the world’s top rich folks, each of them equipped with tracking and information shielding systems

So Agnes wasn’t too surprised

She figured that whoever took Nocturne away today must be sonTeone with serious clout and cash

But this actually made Agnesfeel a bit relieved, at least there wouldn’t be any child trafficking going on

Sure enough, 18 hours later/Nocturne reached out to her

By then, pretty much everyone was by Agnes’s side

Hearing Nocturne’s calm voice, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.- 

Agnes thought to herself

Whoever it was, she needed to thank them properly

Standing next to Nocturne was a tall guy

At that time, he had his back to Agnes

Agnes couldn’t see his face

But she could roughly guess that he was from the same country as them

Agnes was about to get out of the car

Just as her fingers brushed the car door, she saw the man next to Nocturne turn around

In that instant, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning, torn in half, her mind a complete blank

Agnes froze, unable to react at all

Four years

Four years seemed to have split her life in two, separating her past completely

The people and events of those past years felt like they belonged to a previous life

Everything had become a blur in her memory

Agnes had deliberately tried to forget that person, that past

She had sealed those memories deep within her

She rarely touched on them

But now seeing that face, it was as if the box of past memories had suddenly been opened, those dusty years rushing at her all at once. Agnes felt astonished, and also unreal

Over the past four years, Agnes had occasionally wondered what it would be like to meet that man again

But Agnes found that no matter how she thought about it, she couldn’t imagine it

Perhaps in her memory, she and Jared would never cross paths again in this life

But now, the man who had become her exhusband was standing next to Nocturne

Four years later, Agnes felt as if she had been dreaming

In an instant, she couldn’t tell whether the past was real or the present


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