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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 499


Chapter 499 

Leo was totally gobsmacked

He never figured the big boss would care so much about a kid from God knows where

But he didn’t press on it

The next day, Jared was up at the crack of dawn and headed to Nocturne’s room

Sure enough, the kid was out like a light

Jared stood by the bed, staring at that little face fast asleep

He felt something, like a feather brushing gently against his heart

He had no idea where this weird feeling was coming from

He just looked at the kid, feeling a wave of warmth

Without realizing it, he was reminded of his own kid

He spent four crazy years searching everywhere possible, but he wasn’t even sure if his kid was still alive

If his kid was born, he’d be about the same age as Nocturne

Jared didn’t dare to think any further

He swallowed down his emotions, and scooped up the sleeping kid

When Jared walked into the company, the kid was snoozing on his shoulder

This was the overseas headquarters of the Tim Group

Over the years, the Tim Group has built up quite a portfolio here

Although Jafed wasn’t around here often, everyone in the company knew their CEO well

Even on a global scale, Jared was the name on everybody’s lips

So, every time he came, everyone was on their toes

When Jared walked into the building, he turned quite a few heads

But this time, it was different

The boss actually brought a little kid with him

The kid was asleep on his shoulder, looking so peaceful

Holy cow, the boss already has a kid

Leo was trailing behind Jared, glancing at the disappointed faces of those office ladies who were all geared up for a chanceencounter with Jared


He thought to himself, a lot of dreams are gonna be crushed today

Selina was the head of marketing, a real people person. She was originally a key player in the domestic market

After expanding into the international market, she was transferred here

When she saw Jared with a kid, she was both shocked and disappointed

She and Jared shared an elevator ride and exchanged greetings

When they got out of the elevator, Selina purposely slowed her steps, grabbed Leo, and asked, Since when does the boss have such a big kid?” 

Leo just chuckled, What makes you think that’s his kid?” 

The child’s face looks exactly like boss’s. If he’s not his kid, whose kid could he be?” 

Selina, both disappointed and curious, asked, Why didn’t he make this public? The boss isn’t engaged yet, is the kid his and his fiancée’s, or is it a love child?” 

Selina leaned in and asked, Come on, spill the beans, is that the boss’s love child? Who’s the mother? Is it that actress Sharon from the rumors?” 


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