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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 781

Agnes and Jared went to the quaint old neighborhood of Harmony Hollow.

The once lively lanes were now eerily quiet, the usual cacophony of barking dogs and roaming cats, nowhere to be found.

Agnes approached the last house, knocking on the door.

Mrs. Fabian greeted them almost immediately, her eyes lighting up in recognition. "Why, it's you two! Come in! I've been thinking of ways to thank you."

Upon entering, they found the elderly couple sitting at the dining table, enjoying their supper.

Mrs. Fabian offered generously, "I hope you two haven't had dinner yet. Please join us. We've cooked some extra dishes since we're in a celebratory mood."

Agnes accepted gladly. "We were actually feeling a bit hungry, so OK, let’s have dinner together."

Mrs. Fabian said, "You two are our saviors. It's our pleasure to share a meal with you."

With the table set, they sat down to eat.

Agnes had always known Jared to be particular about his food and cleanliness, and she worried that he might be uncomfortable with the humble setting. To her surprise, he relished the meal, praising Mrs. Fabian’s cooking skills.

Mrs. Fabian, a little embarrassed, thanked them profusely, "You've brought so much relief to us by finding homes for all the stray animals. You've fulfilled our wish of many years." Tears welled up in her eyes as she said this.

Agnes understood their mixed feelings. "I know how much you cared for those animals, and it must be hard to see the neighborhood so empty now."

She handed them a list of all the new owners and their contact details. "You can visit any of them whenever you want. Everyone was so touched by your kindness and they would be more than happy to have you over."


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