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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 782

Agnes had made it through the second round of interviews to go directly to the third round.

Only three candidates remained after round two.

The other two were experienced journalists with years of experience working for the network.

Everyone knew that the selection process was composed of three rounds: a written test for round one, and an interview for round two. However, no one was sure what round three entailed.

Today, the details of the third round were finally revealed.

It was a test of their abilities to conduct impromptu news interviews.

Judson had chosen three topics from three different locations for the candidates to dig out news stories. Furthermore, the content of their reports would be broadcast live on the station.

Judson and a few group leaders would score the three journalists based on their on-site performances, and the one with the highest score would become the main anchor for The Primary Perspective.

Agnes was assigned to cover a mine disaster on the east side of town.

The news actually broke the day before, and the event was still escalating. Each anchor was paired with a cameraman.

Agnes was paired with Hans and they set off to the scene together.

At first, things went smoothly. Agnes was skilled at improvising on the spot, thanks to her years of working in Manhattan. However, Agnes didn't expect that Hans would make a rookie mistake.

Agnes' interview couldn't be broadcast back to the station.

Agnes decided to re-record the interview, but suddenly, Hans complained of a stomachache and disappeared.


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