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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 8



Agnes was hesitant to leave Jared’s office. She knew that as soon as she stepped out she’d be the talk of the town. So, she decided to hide out in the office for a bit. Jared was ahead getting down to work. He was always swamped with work. The Tim Group was his dad, Tim Whitfield’s brainchild the business empire that he built from scratch her half a century of growth. The Tim Group had its hands in everything in all kinds of industries. Tim Properties was the top dog in the field 

The man front of her engrossed in his work was worth tens of millions of dollars

Agnes grew up with a siver soon in her mouth. Her dad was the chairman of Starlight International Group a bigwig in the media industry. Their business covered eventing from talent agences esters to publishing houses 

But even so, there was a clear gap between the Pritchards and the Whitfields in terms of economic power. The Whitfield family, apart from their massive family business. also has a hefty polical backing Because of this, they had been the strongest among the Big Four for years

Agnes had heard her father talk about Jared, saying he was a rare business prodigy. But what really piqued people’s interest was Jared’s background

Tim was dosing in on eighty and Jared was only 27. Everyone knew that Tim had a child late, and it was common knowledge that Tim’s first wife died shortly after giving bt to Jared’s sister, Aissa Tem maned unnamed for many years, but suddenly had a son when he was fifty

Everyone had their own theones about this. Some said he was Tims illegitimate child while others said he was an orphan that Tim adopted. But when Jared was only 17, Tim handed over the rains of the great Tim Goup to him, and it had been a decade since

Agnes couldnt understand how a 17yearold boy could hold in such a business empire. It was said that at the beginning a few old shareholders were strongly against this, thinking that handing over the Tim Group to a child was a joke. But now everyone in the company respected him, and the business performance of the Tim Group was topnotch, its status shakeable

Jared was seen as a miracle in the industry 

Agnes, you’re making me blush, staring at me like that 

Jared’s deep voice came from across the desk and Agnes snapped out of her reverie, realibing that she had been staring at Jared for quite a while

Agnes face fusted and she immediately rose from the sofa, Tm going back to work.” 

As soon as Agnes returned to her seat her colleagues swarmed her, Agnes, are you okay? Did the boss give you a hard time?” 

Agnes shook her head Tim fire dont wor 

Yolande chime in Sven be boss yelled at you, thats still a blessing. You’re in and out of the boss’s office more than any of us. We barely even get a glimpse of him. Agnes, fm so jealous of you 

that someone joked Yolanda are you crushing on the boss?” 

Volandas face tumes bright red. What are you talking about? I’m not!” 


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