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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 9



Agnes wrapped up her internship at The Tim Group and was all set for the new semester

The day before school started, Laura gave her a ring, Inviting her over for dinner

Once a big shot in showbiz, Laura was now Agnesstepmother. Agnesmom passed away when she was 12, and to her surprise, her dad got hitched to Laura just six 

months later

Her father, a gentle and loving man in her memory, had always taken care of her mother, especially when she was sick

Agnes didn’t oppose her father remarrying, but what she couldn’t stomach was that Laura brought along a daughter, Beatrice. Only two years younger than Agnes, Beatrice was also her father’s biological daughter

This clearly indicated that her dad had been playing outside his marriage for years. It wasn’t until Agnes grew up that she found out that her father’s affair with Laura was an open secret in their circle

Jared knocked off work early that day and found Agnes packing when he got home

I’m heading back home tonight, and I’m taking my luggage with me. I’ll head straight to school tomorrow and won’t be back,” Agnes told Jared

Do you want me to tag along?asked Jared

No need, I can handle it. My dad doesn’t know I’m hitched,Agnes quickly responded

What if I go as your boyfriend?Jared suggested

Even worse, they don’t know I’ve broken up with Elton,Agnes replied

When do you plan to spill the beans?Jared asked casually

Agnes thought for a moment, I’ll tell them tonight. Elton and I are history.” 

Seeing Agnesdetermined look, Jared couldn’t help but smile. He then handed her a key, Here’s your gift.” 

What’s this for?Agnes asked, looking at the key in surprise

It’s the key to Maplewood Manor. It’s not far from your school, so you can move in after school starts,Jared explained

Maplewood Manor was a garden villa owned by Jared. Agnes had been there once. It was a typical richpeople’s neighborhood with great privacy. Many celebrities lived 


I plan to stay in the dorm,Agnes said

Then what about me?Jared asked

You’re moving in too?Agnes looked surprised


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