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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 11

  Elijah entered the packhouse, heading to his office on the second floor. It was pretty quiet with most wolves having left to go about their daily duties.

  The pack house itself looked like a very modern mansion. Unlike the alphas mansion, which was a traditional building, everything was in a minimalist design in here, catered for mainly newly mated wolves or single young adult wolves who wanted their own privacy.

  He was here to go over a new training regime with Aaron and Liam that he wanted implemented and he also was going to have a word with Hank.

  He unlocked his office door using the passcode, a small beep and click was heard and he opened the door. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Fiona sitting cross-legged on his desk, wearing a tiny red lingerie set. Her make up was seductive and she had her long hair curled, Elijah did a once over, she was a sexy girl, but not the one he wanted… He looked at her, his face emotionless.

  “Care to explain why you’re in my office?” He asked walking around to his desk, her ass covered in a tiny thong. She looked over her shoulder feeling satisfied when his attention fell to her ass.

  “What does it look like?” She said bravely, flipping her legs over the desk and grabbing his shirt to pull him in between them. Elijah looked down at her, she was trying to act brave but he could smell the alcohol on her breath and the trembling in her hands - it really did dampen the sexy brave act she was trying to put on.

  “I’ll do whatever you want me to?” She pleaded, placing kisses on his neck, wishing he’d give in. She could feel the bulge in his jeans against her core, wanting him so badly she started grinding herself against him, feeling frustrated when she didn’t feel even a twitch from his dick.

  “I want you to get out then.” Elijah said, taking her wrists and freeing himself from her clutches. She was gorgeous but she was not Scarlett, whom he desired. Sure it felt good having her rub herself on him, but it didn’t excite him like it would have once upon a time. If this were months back, or a year, he would have torn that lingerie off her, bent her over this very desk and taken her several times.

  “Eli-Alpha please… all I want is to please you, just let me try, I don’t mind who else you have or want.” She pleaded. Elijah frowned, feeling his anger surfacing.

  “The only thing I want is you to get the hell out of here, Fiona we’re done. We were nothing more than casual sex partners and I told you I'm fucking done. I'm trying to contain my anger, because of our past, don’t push me too far.” He said, his voice cold. She whimpered at the alpha power emanating from him.

  “Is there someone else?” She asked tearfully.

  “There was no emotional attachment to you from the beginning, and yes I may have a new interest… now leave before your brother shows up and I get him to escort you out.” He growled. Fiona stood up, tears falling down her cheeks

  “I do love you Elijah, I always have.” She whimpered as she backed away from him, picking up her long coat.

  “Then you never should have got involved with me - I have nothing to offer, never will, not to you anyway.” He said, knowing it was harsh but the woman wasn’t getting the hint.

  “Is it Keira?” She asked sobbing.

  “Chucky? No.” Elijah said, smirking as he remembered Scarlett’s comment from the night before.

  “Then who… I'm one of the prettiest she-wolves here.” Fiona said not even noticing his smirk as she wiped her tears away, her make-up looking a little messy now.

  “Let’s just say she’s the sexiest and by far the prettiest she-wolf around.” Elijah said, getting a little irked with her now. Did the woman not get the hint? He didn’t want to manhandle her but she was really trying his patience.

  Fiona looked confused. “Everyone says Scarlett’s the prettiest and then me…” She said, wondering who this mystery she-wolf is. Elijah raised an eyebrow thinking well at least she was not dumb… Scarlett was gorgeous.

  “Scarlett? Is she?” He said casually. Fiona nodded glad that the she-wolf was his stepsister, or she would surely have had her as competition too. Sensing Elijah’s growing annoyance she backed away towards the door. “Fiona?”

  She stopped hope surging in her chest when she turned to look at him.

  “Yes alpha?” She asked.

  “Never enter my office without my permission. Ever.” He said, his voice dangerously low. Her heart surged with sadness and she nodded before she ran out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Elijah shook his head pissed, as he walked over to the door to reset the stupid code. Fiona was one of the rare ones who knew it as she used to be his booty call often enough. Now that he had returned a new code was needed anyway…

  He had just finished when Hank strolled down the corridor, hands in his pocket looking as arrogant as ever. His black hair soaking wet, clear that he had just come out of the shower.

  “Morning Alpha.” He said as Elijah led the way back into the office and leaned against his desk, motioning for Hank to take a seat. Hank smirked sitting down. “So why am I beckoned mighty leader?” He said mockingly, Elijah frowned at him.

  “I'm not in the mood to fucking joke with you Hank.” Both siblings were really getting to him today. “It’s because of last night.”

  “Yeah, well you can still see these haven't healed.” Hank growled, pulling down the collar of his shirt to show the three scratches he had gotten from Scarlett before she had punched him. Elijah hid his shock, why hadn't they healed by now? Hank was a werewolf, a strong one at that… The scratches should have healed… “She’s a fucking freak.”

  “Watch it.” Elijah growled, trying to calm his anger. Why was he getting so worked up over an insult towards Scarlett? “If she’s a freak then why did you even go near her?”


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