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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 18

  “Come join us.” The same woman spoke, her tongue running along her plump lips. All three were beautiful that was for sure, their curvaceous bodies, smooth skin, each a different shade that looked enticing as they rubbed their breasts against each other and kissed erotically.

  But for the first time in Elijah’s life, he averted his gaze feeling repulsed. Simply looking at them felt like a betrayal to Scarlett.

  The thought of his gorgeous creamy skinned doll, the haze seemed to clear a little and he knew he needed to get out. He turned, pulling at the door, growling when he realised it was locked. He hissed realising the entire thing was made from fucking silver.

  “Open this fucking door!” He growled knowing someone must be outside. He tensed feeling a pair of hands run down his chest, he turned growling at the woman who dared to touch him. His vision swaying slightly, the drug that had been burned in the room was getting to him.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” He growled, the woman smiled running her hands down his chest and abs ignoring him. Crouching sexily in front of him she began working on the zipper on his pants. Elijah pushed her away, although for a moment he was envisioning Scarlett in front of him, he knew it was the effect of the drugs, he needed to get out of here fast before he did something he would regret.

  ‘Elijah, what did he want?’ Scarlett’s voice came in his head. He closed his eyes as he punched the door, only making a dent, his own hand sizzling from the burns.

  He glared at the woman, letting his alpha aura roll off him and satisfied when the woman paled a little.

  ‘Elijah?!’ Scarlett’s voice came through the link again, worry clear in her gorgeous voice. He tried to reply but his mind felt too hazy. His wolf was restless too, he could feel his emotion as if it were a second presence in his head, well it was. He staggered to the window pulling the curtain back, cursing when he realised it was covered in silver bars.

  Looking around he scanned the room, his eyes focusing on the wall near the door. About to walk to it, the three women came towards him. He swore thinking what the fuck was this, they dragged him to the bed, they were strong and he wondered why the drug wasn’t affecting them the way it did him?

  Even when his back hit the bed and one of the three climbed on top of him, another working on his pants, he still had enough energy to push them off - until he felt a stinging in his arm. The third had injected him with something, he felt the instant rush to his dick, feeling it harden.

  “What the fuck is this bullshit?” He growled grabbing the one on top of him by the neck when she leaned in for a kiss. “I said I'm not fucking interested!”

  It was at that moment the door slammed open, to reveal a breathless Scarlett. The worry on her face changed to shock as she took in the scene.

  Elijah on his back on the bed holding a woman by the neck, a second already unzipping his pants… the third laying next to him.

  Pain engulfed her, sending sharp shooting pains through her chest. Feeling suffocated her hand went to her throat, as she staggered back, her eyes falling to the hardened bulge in his pants.

  Elijah’s eyes met hers, relief flooding him until he realised she had misunderstood the situation. His stomach sank, the raw pain that shone in her glittering eyes sent agony through him, he did not want her to feel that way. Not because of him.

  “Scarlett… listen to me… don’t-!” He could not finish his sentence, when she turned shutting the door after her. Elijah growled at the women pushing them off him. One of them tried to pin him down and Elijah threw her off him so she hit the far wall, a scream of pain leaving her lips. Not caring if he had hurt her or not he rushed from the room, he needed to get to Scarlett.

  He tried to mind link her but his head felt heavy and he could not make the connection. Growling he let his nose lead him, moving faster, he needed to get to her before everything fell through…


  Scarlett struggled to contain her emotions. The pain and hurt she felt seeing Elijah in such a position was stronger than anything she had ever felt before. She ran through the halls, her heart thundering. Why did she even agree to this relationship thing with him knowing she had feelings for him to begin with? For him it was different. It was obvious she would never be enough for him. He had always been a player, having countless women, then how did she even believe that one woman could satisfy him?

  She entered the room they had been given, slamming the door behind her and walked to the mirror staring at her reflection. She was pretty but there were plenty of pretty women around. Maybe she was not enough for him… She looked at herself disgusted.

  Since when did a man’s opinion make her doubt her self-worth? She punched the mirror shattering it to pieces. She was not a fucking toy to satisfy men, to let herself drown in self-pity that she was not good enough. To hell with that, she was good enough, she would not let one man's action define her self-value. The only reason he probably even wanted her was because she was a woman he could not have. As his stepsister, she was automatically off-limits. Maybe it was that idea of attaining something that was forbidden that made him want her.

  ‘You’re a fool Scarlett.’ She told herself, she could even feel her wolfs pain. She frowned, since when had her wolf even got attached? Didn’t wolves only care when they met their mates? Well, whatever the reason, Scarlett was disappointed in herself for hurting her wolf as well.

  She was a pro at hiding her pain and emotions. This would only be another knife wound in a pool of endless pain. Closing her eyes, she clenched her bleeding fist, welcoming the physical pain, it was easier to bear than the one that was hacking at her chest.

  No man would break her. Not now. Not ever.

  She walked to the bathroom to rinse the glass and blood from her fist. Her eyes stung a little but she refused to allow herself to cry. She opened the tap placing her hand under the running water, her vision blurred a little as the red ran into pink but she remained strong.

  Even when she heard the bedroom door burst open she simply looked in the mirror, her face in its usual expression. She heard him swear before he ran into the bathroom, his eyes filled with worry and concern.

  ‘Worry he lost his precious little plaything’ Scarlett thought with contempt, she raised an eyebrow.

  “Already done?” She asked casually.

  Elijah looked at her, his worry and concern now joined by uneasiness. Why was she so calm?


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