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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 22

  Elijah slowly dropped onto the bed next to her, pulling her against his chest and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. He rested his chin on top of her head, neither spoke, the sheer weight of what they had just done clear in their minds.

  Neither regretted it, even if they were supposed step-siblings and if anyone back home found out it would cause issues Elijah didn’t care, he wanted Scarlett by his side. He wanted her as his Luna… If her mate turned up he wouldn’t hesitate to tear his heart out. The sheer reality of his thoughts made him slowly move back.

  He looked down at her, not missing the way her chest rose and fell. Not wanting the mood to become serious, he placed a cocky smirk on his lips.

  “So was it everything you dreamed of?” He said teasingly stroking her ass, God he loved her ass. He wanted to fuck her bent over and see it move… his dick twitched, and he pushed the thought out of his head. He would fuck her in every way possible, he would make sure of that.

  “No.” She said pushing him away as she sat up, wincing slightly. Elijah raised an eyebrow but before he could comment she looked over shoulder giving him a small smirk “It was better.”

  He smirked, watching as she got off the bed, looking around, there was nothing to clean up with… His eyes trailed over her delicious body, he throbbed seeing his cum leaking down her thighs. He growled sitting up and tossed his shirt at her.

  “Clean up with that.” He said turning his gaze away. She smirked, knowing he was getting worked up with her naked state.

  “What’s wrong handsome, not getting turned on are you?” She asked teasingly, wiping her legs with his shirt before she bent over teasingly slow on purpose - hearing him swear as she picked up her discarded jeans. Her g string had been destroyed so she’d have to make do.

  Elijah frowned watching her shimmy into them, her back to him. He stood up closing the gap between them, gripping her by the hair he looked into her gorgeous eyes.

  “You’re treading dangerous waters kitten.” He whispered, she had unleashed a beast within him, taken him to heaven and beyond… Opening a door to unmeasurable pleasure… He craved her…. and he didn’t know if he’d be able to control his desire if she so openly tempted him. She smiled sexily her chest rising and falling hard.

  “What are you going to do? Punish me?” She whispered softly, her hand running down his abs. His eyes flashed and the next thing she knew she was pushed against the nearest wall making her moan, her pussy throbbing at his roughness, his hand tightening around her throat.

  “If that’s what you want.” He murmured.

  “Fuck…” She breathed, his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her against him, his lips crashing against hers in a rough passionate kiss.

  A loud growl and the sound of something shattering downstairs bought them out of their heated moment. Their eyes meeting for a second before they parted and quickly moved away to get dressed. Elijah pulled his jeans on and clasped her bra on for her, kissing her shoulder, and it was just when she was pulling her top on that the door was thrown off its hinges to reveal a livid Zidane, his murderous eyes dark green.

  Elijah growled pushing Scarlett behind him, his eyes flashing dark cobalt.

  Zidane’s eyes scanned the room, the smell of sex strong in the air, he stalked over to them.

  “Stay the fuck away!” Elijah warned, his eyes murderous. Zidane looked at him coldly, anger rolling off him in waves. Scarlett placed a hand on Elijah’s bare back, stepping out from behind him.

  “What do you want?” She asked coldly. Zidane’s gaze fell to her neck, a flash of what may have been relief flitted through his eyes, making her frown wondering what that was about. He stepped back.

  “What do you think you’re doing with my daughter?” He growled at Elijah. Elijah raised an eyebrow.

  “What I didn’t want to do with your bitches, now get the fuck out of my sight.” He snapped, hating the way the man acted like a fucking dickhead.

  “Watch your tongue kid.” Zidane hissed. “What are you doing in this hell house, didn’t I give you accommodations?”

  “We were looking around…” Scarlett said watching as Zidane’s eyes seemed to settle on the small scratches her nails had left on Elijah’s neck during their lovemaking. She hated the fact he addressed her as ‘his daughter’ but she wasn’t going to enrage him any further.

  His anger seemed to vanish, replaced by a psychotic smile.

  “Indeed… return to the mansion for dinner.” And with that he turned and left the room.

  Elijah and Scarlett exchanged looks.

  ‘We do need to get out of here…’ He murmured through the mind link. ‘Something is really off with the guy.’

  ‘I know… but… Elijah… this is my pack… look at the state of this place.’ She replied through the link, motioning to the room. ‘When I lived here… I never saw this place. We were locked up in the mansion, home tutored, if we ever left it was heavily guarded and only one stop to our destination then back home… it was always the same men guarding us too, we were kept hidden away, abused and beaten to within an inch of our lives. Now that I’ve seen the truth… I can’t just do nothing.’

  Elijah wrapped his arms around her, he understood what she meant, heck he never heard of a female Alpha, but he couldn't deny there was something special about her.

  “We still need to have a plan.” He said out loud, his voice barely above a murmur. “He won’t let us leave easily but I think we should try making quick work, see who may side us, leave, plan and then consider a takeover.”


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