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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 32

  Elijah had just about managed to put on some fresh clothes, trying his best not to break everything around him before he left his room slamming the door behind him, storming through the mansion with one aim in mind.

  His anger raging around him like a hurricane, festering within him, growing stronger with each passing second. How could his father do this?

  He walked past Indigo who had just returned from her short visit to Daniel’s, more curious to find out what was happening at home. She was about to say something but feeling his rage, she shrank away.

  Elijah didn’t even notice the tall girl, his mind set on one thing. Following his father’s scent until it led him to the kitchen, where he was holding Jessica, kissing her neck sensually.

  “So, the one fucking thing that was left of mom… you decided to get rid of that too!?” Elijah spat slamming his fist into the nearest wall, making the couple jump apart not even noticing him until he spoke.

  “Elijah, what are you going on about?” Jackson asked concerned. Jessica looked pale brushing her black locks out of her face and adjusting her top. Elijah’s recent behaviour confused her, he had never been so hostile towards her, not like he was today.

  Elijah didn’t even spare her a glance, walking over to his father and grabbing him by his collar before slamming him into the worktop

  “Elijah! Stop! That’s your father!”

  “Yeah, I fucking know!” Elijah growled. The men were almost equal in height but Elijah was stronger, and it showed.

  “Get off me!” Jackson growled his eyes flashing, but Elijah simply yanked his shirt down exposing his neck, his eyes going to the mark that was plastered there. Gone was the lotus with the three claws, in its place was a wolf's paw with its claws out.

  Each wolf had its own mark and form, no matter who you marked, your mark was the same. Mates didn’t have matching marks, rather each wolf had a mark that represented them. Once you were mated and marked, it was your scents that combined. He felt disgusted that he hadn't even realised the change in Jessica or Jackson’s scents.

  “Fuck you!” He said icily. Slamming his fathers head into the table.

  “Elijah, please! Please it's not his fault! It was in the moment please!” Jessica said, breaking into sobs realising it was the mark that had angered Elijah, the mark she had placed on him. Now that she was marked by Jackson, she could feel his pain to some level.

  Elijah glared at her, growling lowly. She whimpered feeling his Alpha aura rolling off him. She backed away, seeing Jackson’s face purple from Elijah’s death grip.

  “You moved on from mother, your so-called mate in what, less than a year? Everything in this fucking house changed. You stopped talking about her, you fucking forgot her, and now the first fucking chance you got you removed her mark from your neck? You know what, why don’t you get rid of me too? After all, I'm the last thing that even has an ounce of her left!” Elijah said coldly.

  Pain and hurt flashed through Jackson's eyes.

  “Son… That’s not true… I love your mother still, she has her own special space in my heart.” He whispered.

  “Hard to fucking see it.” Elijah said, slamming his father into the worktop once again and making Jessica scream when the smell of blood filled her nose…


  Scarlett froze hearing her mothers scream, she turned the shower off trying to listen, hearing nothing and no mind link to assist her. She quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself rushing from the bathroom.

  Opening her bedroom door, she almost crashed into Indigo who looked pale. The younger girl looked down at her elder sister, worry and fear clear on her face.

  “Scarlett, Elijah’s pissed off.” She whispered worriedly. Scarlett was stronger than her and their mum, she knew her sister was not scared of the future Alpha.

  Scarlett frowned, worry filling her. It was serious if Indigo called her by her name. She didn’t say anything rushing past her and down the stairs, taking three at a time and jumping the last five. She tightened her towel around her breasts, running into the kitchen. The smell of blood and fear strong in the air.

  “Elijah!” She said, taking in how he had his father pinned to the counter, noticing the crack in the worktop underneath him. Her mother was whimpering, hand over her mouth unsure of what to do. Scarlett could see she was going back into her former shell, seeing Elijah like this was bringing memories of Zidane back. She could see the glassy look in her eyes, the fear rolling off her in waves.

  “Stay out of this Scarlett, take your mother away.” Jackson said, worried for his stepdaughter and wife. Although he was losing blood, the searing pain making him dizzy, he was concerned for them - Knowing Elijah’s temper made him dangerous.

  “I wouldn’t worry about her if I were you!” Elijah growled.


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