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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 42

  “A-alpha… Who said this is to do with Elijah…?” She said.

  “What do you take me for? A fool? At first, I didn’t think much of it until you both went to get the desserts at dinner and well… It doesn't take that long to bring a tray of brownies into the room now does it. Not to mention you were smelling strongly of the boy when you returned. I'm surprised Jackson the idiot hasn’t realised or Jessica. But I think with their own marking they haven't been able to focus on much but Elijah’s anger. I’m still angry they kept that from me over dinner! I'm old not a fool girl, now speak up I want the full story!”

  Scarlett was too stunned, her cheeks now flaming up.

  “I uh… It wasn’t planned… I …”

  “Oh come on, if you’ve jumped that thing no point in getting all shy. From what I can tell you have, I was thinking you were indeed glowing.” Amelia said. “I'm not asking for his bedroom performance, I just want to know exactly what is going on between you all. I know for a fact the idiot has been setting off a lot of rumours lately about not being interested in his usual playboy ways, so I want to know is my favourite girl the reason behind it?”

  Scarlett sighed, well since Amelia knew there was no need for her to hide it. She began wiping her face clean of all the makeup.

  “I don’t know… He said he cared… He wants to make me his Luna…” She looked up at Amelia, tears filling her eyes.

  “For the boy to say that much it must mean something, has he ever given any other girl that sort of promise?”

  “No… I don’t think so, but I saw him today at the club with Fiona. They were hugging and she wasn’t even wearing anything.” She whispered, clutching her mug of tea. The pain of his betrayal hurt. Amelia nodded.

  “So, you decided to run off like a fool? You should have asked exactly what was happening. It's clear you love the idiot and if you do then you should fight for him. Men are horny dogs, we need to keep them on a leash! And he is a young Alpha who is probably extremely sexually active, you shouldn’t have run dear.”

  Scarlett was about to reply when she felt the burning pain spasm through her once again, making her scream out and knocking the hot tea over as she bent over in pain. Amelia jumped up and hurried over, feeling her hot skin.

  “Oh my… you’re in heat child.” She said.

  “I… don’t tell… anyone please. Don’t let anyone come here!” Scarlett whimpered as another jarring pain ran through her making her body spasm and she felt the throbbing pain go to her core. “Oh fuck!”

  “Yes, that’s what you need, a good fuck. Are you sure you don’t want the Alpha here?” Amelia asked sceptically.

  Scarlett nodded, whimpering at the pain that was wracking her body, not to mention the now obvious throbbing in her lower region.

  “Are you sure? Because you know I’ll stick to it.” Amelia said helping the young woman to her feet with a grunt. “Oh you are heavy…”

  “I'm sure.” Scarlett said, the image of Elijah pulling his top off fresh in her mind. Tears of mental and physical pain trickled out of her eyes as Amelia led her to the bathroom.

  “I’ll get some ice…” Amelia said, opening the cold tap. Scarlett whimpered, it felt like her entire body was on fire and the ache between her legs was growing. Her clothes suddenly felt too much, she stripped her jeans off getting into the tub. It was barely even full at the bottom but she needed the reprieve from the heat that was licking her body.

  The need for her to get rid of the ache in her core was growing, fuck she hated this. Amelia returned with a bag of ice.

  “I’m afraid this is all I have, I’ll go get some more. You’re going to need it.” She said, torn between leaving Scarlett alone and getting more ice. Scarlett only nodded as Amelia dumped the ice into the bath, a whimper escaped Scarlett, the white shirt clinging to her burning skin.

  The thought of Elijah filled her mind, imagining his lips all over her, his fingers working their magic. She pushed the thought away, frustration filling her.

  “Please go, I need ice more ice.” Scarlett shouted frustrated, scratching at her mark on her neck which was burning painfully.


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