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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 44

  She pushed him with all her strength, a growl tearing from her lips. He stumbled, he had been so focused on what he had been about to do he had not seen the steely eyes of Scarlett’s wolf or the dangerous aura that now surrounded her. She didn’t hesitate to scratch him across the face with her nails, it would take longer to finish him like this but she didn’t care, he deserved every ounce of pain she would inflict on him.

  “Fucking bitch!” He growled, lunging at her. She stood her ground, ignoring the pain of her heat. She grabbed him by his manhood, digging her nails into it. The smell of blood and fear mixed in the already strongly filled air. He growled in pain. She let go feeling disgusted, as he fell to his knees clutching his bleeding bits.

  “You don’t deserve to live.” She said quietly, knowing he wouldn’t heal, not with her ability. If the goddess had given her anything good in life it was this gift.

  “Scarlett, don’t you dare! Do you think you - a fucking charity case of this pack - can get away with this? Hurting me, a Delta?” He stood up lunging at her but she rammed her shoulder into him, digging her nails down his chest.

  “And you think they will let you get away with this?” She whispered, another shooting pain rushing through her.

  “There's not even a mark on you.” He said smirking, the sound of faint howls reached them. “What? think I haven't noticed how quickly you heal? You have no proof; I’ll say it was consensual…”

  He grabbed her hair dragging her onto the ground, she hit it roughly but Scarlett had had enough. She screamed in frustration, it was now or never, she had no other option. It was not what she had planned but she was going to blackout at any moment and maybe this was the most suitable punishment for him. He was ready for her attack but the next thing she did, he was not expecting it.

  “I don’t need proof, allow me to deliver the punishment for attempted rape!” She hissed and with those words. She tore his reproductive organs from his body feeling sick. She didn’t even look, as she dropped the piece of meat to the ground feeling her stomach churn. Hank’s agonising screams filled the cave, echoing off the walls.

  Scarlett backed away, knowing he would bleed to death. She turned to leave when she stopped, leaning forward. She bought up everything she had in her stomach. She dropped to her knees, her stomach heaving as she wretched, puking out the contents of her stomach until there was nothing left to bring up. She wiped her mouth with the corner of her battered shirt, her entire body was trembling. Stumbling to her feet only to fall to her knees again, the sound of howling now drawing closer.

  Pain and sadness filled her. If she hadn't been strong enough, they would have arrived too late… She crawled to the edge of the cave. Her burning body was killing her.

  Just when she was about to step out, she saw the shimmering golden-brown of Elijah’s wolf cover the entrance. His eyes fell to her, roaming her body for any injury as he shifted back.

  “Baby.” He whispered, falling to his knees in front of her. She moved back and a flash of hurt filled his eyes, he reached forward slowly. As much as he wanted to hug her, he didn’t want to upset her.

  He slowly cupped her face with shaking hands, she looked at him feeling numb. She saw the fear, pain, and worry in his eyes but it did nothing for the hollow feeling within her. Not noticing how his touch soothed the burning to her skin. She crawled backwards away from his touch. Not missing how his eyes were flickering between the two shades of blue. All men were the same, all he had wanted was her body, but when push came to shove. He chose Fiona…

  “What did he do?” He asked softly, the intoxicating smell of her arousal driving him nuts but the worry he felt for her kept him in control. When she didn’t reply he looked behind her to the convulsing body of Hank, who was taking his last breaths.


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